Thread Number: 36296
KHWS01PMT2 and KEHS01PMT2 Washer and dryer in SS
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Post# 540715   8/30/2011 at 21:41 (4,767 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

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I got call from a local dealer who has these beauties with their pedistals and stainless steel finish. I had this set in Texas in white and was a bit sorry I sold them.I got both for $150!!! AND the dealer has lots more of the front loaders that need work done on them. I told him I was in Hilo pretty much every Friday through Monday. He said that, if I wanted to, I could put some time in there to check out and repair them!!He'd pay me $12/hr and has all the tools I'd need.Needless to say, I'll be there Thursday after work.The washer I had in Texas allowed the water level to be adjusted just by the turn of a screw.I hope this one does too.It really made a difference with a bit more water. I could still open it during the wash w/o any leakage but the water was quite a bit more than what they set it on at the factory.The spin was a bit faster too.I think it's either 1200 or 1300 RPMS.

Post# 540899 , Reply# 1   8/31/2011 at 15:10 (4,767 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        
Lowes sale

laundromat's profile picture
I looked on line and found a new Affinity in the box (LAFW6000LW) on sale at the local Lowes (kona side west 155 miles from here)regularly $899 on sale for $591.60. Free delivery and I sold my other newer style Affinity I've had for 3 months for $600.I got that one at Sears for about $400.It was a floor model on sale.The new model has the interior light and the sanitize setting. It also has the 26 minute speed cycle.The new one will be delivered Saturday!Time to save up some dirty laundry!!Love you guys!! (and gals) LOL

Post# 541242 , Reply# 2   9/2/2011 at 14:29 (4,765 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
The new model is the same as the FAFS4473LW. It's just that the "L" in the model number is so that Lowes can sell it without having to match a competitor's price.I spoke to a nice customer service person and she verified that the newer,high end models of the Affinity now spin CLOCKWISE!! up to 1300 RPMs on this model!!!!! All of the others I have had went counter-clockwise.It also has an interior,bright light that can be turned on while the unit is operating. If you press the light to come on during any part of any cycle,it comes on and stays lit for about 3 minutes. I am not as familiar with their water level selection for larger loads. Anyone here who is,could you please clue me in on this?Mahalo!!

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