Thread Number: 363
Today's POD-Wizard Imperial Washer
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Post# 47679   10/24/2004 at 09:22 (7,345 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Washer seems to be a Norge, but the dryer looks suspiciously (sp) like a Whirlpool?????? Do my eyes deceive me? That indentation in the lower front of the cabinet and top mounted lint filter screams Whirlpool!!!!!!! And check out those SALE prices. I'll take a few of each!

Post# 47686 , Reply# 1   10/24/2004 at 11:37 (7,345 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
That Wizard looks *very* similar to the one my father's aunt had (her brother worked for Western Auto) . . but it was a BOL model -- 1 speed, temps on the timer, and no water level selection.

Post# 47688 , Reply# 2   10/24/2004 at 12:07 (7,345 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
No Norge washer here, its 100% Franklin, the dryer is a Franklin design too.

Post# 47689 , Reply# 3   10/24/2004 at 12:19 (7,345 days old) by JerseyMike ()        
Mystery Solved!

I always wondered it Western Auto sold anything other washers under the Wizard nameplate. (I only recall Consumer Reports testing -- and hating -- Wizard washers.) Today's POD finally reveals that they also sold dryers and dishwashers under the Wizard name.


Post# 47690 , Reply# 4   10/24/2004 at 12:56 (7,345 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Who made the dishwasher?

Post# 47691 , Reply# 5   10/24/2004 at 13:12 (7,345 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
Dryer WP similarities

gansky1's profile picture
I've seen a very similar (older) dryer of this design and Bruce in Tulsa had the match to the "Pig" washer on the DVD. I thought it was very close to a Whirlpool/Kenmore design - even the heater box on one side of the drum and fan/filter on the other. The filter was a mesh bag on a frame that pulled out of the door on top.

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