Thread Number: 36342
Help: the dishwasher went bang!
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Post# 541352   9/3/2011 at 04:46 (4,798 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

So here is the story:

Mum was doing ironing,brother was asleap and my self and dad were out. Mum said there was a loud bang and atfirst she thought it was my brother. She went in to the kitchen,turnded the d/w off and tried the fridges,washer,dryerand microwave and they all did not work. we wrecond it had blown a curcuit but the funny thing was the cooker still worked! In the end it had blown a curcuit and it had. any ideas?


Post# 541356 , Reply# 1   9/3/2011 at 05:27 (4,798 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
That looks...

hotpointfan's profile picture
... just like ours apart from we don't have a glasses cycle.

Love the new profile pic - is it a WD72?


Post# 541357 , Reply# 2   9/3/2011 at 05:30 (4,798 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Jacob-check inbox-nope-wd71

Post# 541358 , Reply# 3   9/3/2011 at 05:32 (4,798 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
I can't now I'm afraid!

hotpointfan's profile picture
I'm at my grandparents house!


ps - I've changed mine too!

Post# 541359 , Reply# 4   9/3/2011 at 05:35 (4,798 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Cool if you want i allow you to use my pro pic as yours (only Jacob! unless stated otherwise)

Post# 541375 , Reply# 5   9/3/2011 at 07:46 (4,798 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

it sonds like a PCB fault :)

Post# 541443 , Reply# 6   9/3/2011 at 15:28 (4,797 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture
Doode, dishwashers are NOT supposed to 'bang'. Ever. Other than tossing lids around but that doesn't trip the breaker. What was it? Motor capacitor exploded?

Post# 541455 , Reply# 7   9/3/2011 at 16:19 (4,797 days old) by ultimafan ()        

It's not an affected Bosch dishwasher is it? I suggest you check the model and serial numbers and get on the phone to them, it looks like a model that's been affected by the recall.

Post# 541520 , Reply# 8   9/4/2011 at 06:56 (4,797 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Hi ultimafan...

It is not affected-i kept the news paper article and it is not affected!

Post# 541522 , Reply# 9   9/4/2011 at 07:04 (4,797 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Firstly, cookers are on a separate circuit...

ronhic's profile picture

...secondly, you've not said if the dishwasher is now working or, for that matter, if any of the other appliances affected by the 'noise that goes BANG' are....



Post# 541523 , Reply# 10   9/4/2011 at 07:46 (4,797 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
even if its not affected by a recall its always better to be safe and have it check by a repair tech. Because only a repair tech can tell if the model is affected by a recall or not.

Post# 541599 , Reply# 11   9/4/2011 at 11:44 (4,796 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

The pcb had gone bang but the thing was, it just skimmed the affected models.
Pic below of the blown pcb...

Post# 541638 , Reply# 12   9/4/2011 at 14:16 (4,796 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

We have come to a conclusion to ring bosch.

Post# 541649 , Reply# 13   9/4/2011 at 15:47 (4,796 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture
OOOhhh, THAT bang. Smelt keen too, dinnit?

Post# 541724 , Reply# 14   9/5/2011 at 01:30 (4,796 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

It sure stank allright!

Post# 542013 , Reply# 15   9/6/2011 at 13:55 (4,794 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
Does it work?

hotpointfan's profile picture
Because if it does, I reckon that will last ages!


Post# 542154 , Reply# 16   9/7/2011 at 02:03 (4,794 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Probabtly not as the pcb module is out lol! check email!

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