Thread Number: 36344
The newest appliances from Miele:
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Post# 541403   9/3/2011 at 11:20 (4,759 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
Miele now presents its newest appliances at the IFA. Follow the link below to read and see all about them. Some highlights: a solar tumble dryer, a 17 minute dishwasher and Miele's first portable steam ironing system.


Post# 541452 , Reply# 1   9/3/2011 at 16:09 (4,759 days old) by mysteryclock (Franklin, TN)        

mysteryclock's profile picture
Sehr interessant!!

The "solar powered" dryer reminds me of commercial style equipment that uses steam as the heat source for the dryer, but in this case they are using solar hot water and a condenser style dryer cycle... if I'm reading it correctly?? It also sounds like it can be integrated into existing solar hot water systems so it isn't a single-purpose collector + tank. I wonder what the "backup plan" is in the event of a cloudy/cold day or if the collectors are buried under snow?

I didn't know they had a countertop coffee machine...don't think we have access to that over here.

Post# 541512 , Reply# 2   9/4/2011 at 05:35 (4,758 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        

cannot believe Miele haven't added Glass doors yet though. Though that by now them being an extremely high range of appliances the dryers would have glass doors.
Plus would the dryer work on electricity if solar panels weren't available?

Post# 541553 , Reply# 3   9/4/2011 at 09:51 (4,758 days old) by favorit ()        
17 minute DW

The actual new is that current models based on the old G600 series ( PG 8050/8051/8052 ) will be replaced by new G5000 based models.

The "old" PG 8052 costs "only" 3756 € [see link] , that is much more beyond current Miele prices ...... one can buy 3 to 4 mid range G5000 with all that money !!! Is it really worth in a regular household ??

IMHO the Turbo option on the regular G5000 models is enought for those situations when one is in a hurry, there's no need to waste all that money ( unless one has 50 guests at a time ...)

As for the solar dryer I guess (or better I hope..) it has a backup electric coil


Post# 541940 , Reply# 4   9/6/2011 at 03:54 (4,756 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        
Wow we are never gonna beat these people

Wow they are really pushing the envelope this time again. We own a Miele washer, dryer, ceran hob, and two miele Vacuum cleaners one at the office and one at home. When I originally started to ask around for prices I was blown away by their prices, but the more we use them and we have them now for around a year and a half, you really start to appreciate the absolute craftmenship that went into designing and building these machines. When people actually see them they are a bit dissapointed everybody usually expects a very complicated and flashy machine, when really it is actually very normal. But the results just speak for themselves and I once read here someone stated "everybody just wanna be Miele" and when you look around at the newest drum designs, they all had their origins at the Miele. Well that is my experience with them and I am really glad we saved our money until we could afford our own Miele's and hopefully we will retire with them.


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