Thread Number: 36355
change in original plans
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Post# 541598   9/4/2011 at 11:32 (4,796 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
I had spoken to a salesperson at Lowes regarding a FRIGIDAIRE Affinity washer I was intersted in. She said that the model I was asking about was made to lower competitive price matching. The features I wanted were there so, I went out of my way to go and see it after buying it over the phone. The first red flag was,after I had already been informed they could deliver today,Sunday,they backed out and couldn't deliver to my area until next Friday. Hilo is 52 miles from here and has a nice home Depot store. Kona,which is where I had to go yesterday because there is no Lowes in Hilo,is 155 miles from here. I threw my bike on the bus and rode in to Kona.I wasted 7 hours of my time there and wound up going to Home Depot because I wasn't going to get the Affinity that didn't have the features I was told it had and the delivery time was too long to wait for.I looked around and was immediately approached by one of two salesladies. Her name is Cathy.She asked if I needed assistance and I explained to her my situation. She was real polite and told me they had an L.G.model on clearance and would take an additional 10% off as long as the model was $399 or over.I got a gorgeous cherry red washer for $629 and,my friend,Tony,owed me a huge favor so,he came and met me there to take the machine home.It is quite different from the one I had in Texas and the most quiet washer I ever owned.

Post# 541955 , Reply# 1   9/6/2011 at 05:47 (4,795 days old) by retro-man (- boston,ma)        

You must live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. I have read your postings about the swimming places you go and the parties on the beach. Could you please sometime take some pictures of these places and post them on here. I am sure we would all love to see them. I don't see in my near future getting there but would love the inside scene and not from a tourist point of view. Thanks

Post# 541996 , Reply# 2   9/6/2011 at 12:17 (4,794 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
I have hundreds of photos but need to be taught how to download them. Most folks here are either too high or too drunk to show me the procedure. My camera is digital and I'm sure it is realitvely easy, but have never been shown how to do it.

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