Thread Number: 36487
Tricity Bendix AW1053W Motor Problem
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Post# 543401   9/13/2011 at 09:43 (4,700 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        

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help!, the machine has developed a noticable tappety noise and seems to be coming from the motor, originally i thought it was the brushes but ive had the machine out and looked at the brushes but havent had the tool to get the brushes out, ive looked in the gaps in the motor at the brushes and they seem to have loads of carbon still on them, there is no scratches on the commutator and the machine can still run under its own power, please can someone help. thanks.

Post# 543408 , Reply# 1   9/13/2011 at 11:13 (4,700 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        
motor problem

servisslimline's profile picture
ive just checked the motor bearings aswell and they also seem fine, its getting more and more confusing

Post# 543412 , Reply# 2   9/13/2011 at 11:58 (4,700 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

i had/have that problem with my little splendide combomatic(2002,antonio merloni)
motor started ticking at low speed,got worse,so i pulled the motor out and checked
the armature and finding no apparent electrical faults with it,did a light skim
cut on the commutator in a lathe and reassembled and reinstalled the motor-was quiet for a while but is starting to tick again-so might have electrical fault with
armature causing the brushes to arc at certain spots on the commutator and
developing surface flaws...
Had the same problem with a treadmill motor(really close in design to a brushed
washer motor except the treadmill motor uses permanent rather than wound field
magnets)the treadmill motor's armature electrically checked out ok and motor ran
very steady even creeping at very low speed,but even after truing up the commutator
would still arc at certain segments of the commutator...Inpected the armature very
close and found a couple wires broken where they crimped onto the commutator
segments-carefully cleaned and soldered these and all the unbroken ones and the
motor ran great with no undue arcing-fixed!
Wire breakage was caused by manufacturing defect where wire was pinched thin
where crimped to commutator segments and wasn't restrained enough to prevent
slight movement and eventuall breakage at high speed.

Post# 544055 , Reply# 3   9/17/2011 at 06:58 (4,696 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        

servisslimline's profile picture
had another quick look at the machine yesterday, there was a piece of plastic in the motor, i pulled it out then spun the drum again and the noise was still around, so i looked in the motor again and couldnt see anything, going to look at it again on monday, ill take the motor off and have a better look, there must be another bit of plastic still in it

Post# 544328 , Reply# 4   9/18/2011 at 14:13 (4,695 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        

servisslimline's profile picture
i was right, there was another bit of plastic in the motor, i pulled it out and that was it, sorted!
machine is now back in its usual spot and running, so relieved.

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