Thread Number: 36491
Maytag Dishwasher in the UK?
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Post# 543451   9/13/2011 at 16:47 (4,700 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        

aquacycle's profile picture
Hi all,

This was in Costco when I went for a wonder around earlier. Anybody had any experience with these? Seemed like a very well built, well designed machine with a lot of program options to offer. It was £340, I believe

Post# 543452 , Reply# 1   9/13/2011 at 16:48 (4,700 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        

aquacycle's profile picture
pic 1 - logo and display

Post# 543453 , Reply# 2   9/13/2011 at 16:50 (4,700 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        

aquacycle's profile picture
pic 2 - programs

Post# 543455 , Reply# 3   9/13/2011 at 16:52 (4,700 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        

aquacycle's profile picture
pic 3 - program options

Post# 543458 , Reply# 4   9/13/2011 at 17:00 (4,700 days old) by lavamat_jon (UK)        

It's a rebadged European Whirlpool:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO lavamat_jon's LINK

Post# 543459 , Reply# 5   9/13/2011 at 17:01 (4,700 days old) by nrones ()        
That is Whirlpool Charisma

It is a European Whirlpool Charisma dishwasher, just with Maytag logo on it

This one on the picture isn't the exact sister model, but the one in the link is almost same :)


Post# 543574 , Reply# 6   9/14/2011 at 13:50 (4,699 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
Was this Costco in Leeds? I will be going there and will be seeing these probably!

Do they have a lot of appliances there?


Post# 543576 , Reply# 7   9/14/2011 at 14:01 (4,699 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        


Ive never heard of these.

How reliable are they?

Post# 543577 , Reply# 8   9/14/2011 at 14:08 (4,699 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        

aquacycle's profile picture

It was indeed in Costco in Leeds. They do have a fair amount of appliances in. They had a Hoover Vision washer and matching dryer, american toploader Whirlpool and matching dryer, Aqualtis set and one of those Whirlpool's with the tinted plastic doors. Had some vacuums too and LOTS of detergents in BIG boxes :D

Post# 543578 , Reply# 9   9/14/2011 at 14:19 (4,699 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
Thanks AquaCycle!

hotpointfan's profile picture
I can't wait to go!

Is the pricing any good, because I might look at the Dyson's there as the DC04 isn't picking up!


Post# 543746 , Reply# 10   9/15/2011 at 15:22 (4,698 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        

aquacycle's profile picture
If the DC04 isn't picking up, it's probably blocked or needs a filter clean - I'd try both first.

And yes, the pricing is reasonable, but you can often get better deals online.

Post# 543752 , Reply# 11   9/15/2011 at 16:14 (4,698 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Picking up on the 'Costco' element...

ronhic's profile picture

...they've recently opened here in Canberra. Yep, out we trudged to become members and see what bargains we could get. Well, some of their items are cheaper, especially if you are a big brand buyer. However, if you tend to buy smaller brand names or 'own' labels then the savings are not that great .


The other kicker is that many items come in 'economy' sized or multibuy packaging. When there are only two of you in the house this does cut down somewhat on the savings particularly if you end up throwing the last small amount away....


Aldi and supermarket specials, on-line retailers and discount retailers tend to offer an overall better range and at the minimum, comparable savings.

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