Thread Number: 36567
new calypso u joint kit quesiton
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Post# 544433   9/19/2011 at 00:28 (4,782 days old) by stopmeister72 (Irving, TX)        

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Just put a new u joint kit in the calypso. There was a bonking noise that was getting worse. The old u-joint had some play in the inner part and I think there wsa also a problem with the leveler. The old one had a yellow gasket with a plastic bottom and the seal seemed to snap around the ujoint - the inner dome was clear plastic. The new one has a black gasket but it doesn't seem like it seals very well. There is some space between the gasket and the new u-joint. Is it supposed to be like that? There was no water in the old one, just hope water won't get in the new one. The pic doesn't show much.

Post# 544461 , Reply# 1   9/19/2011 at 07:06 (4,782 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Your original mechanism was the original design, with a translucent inner dome, yellow boot, and a separate yellow gasket to seal them. There was a redesign mid-production which changed to a brown inner dome, black boot, and eliminated the separate gasket. Components cannot be mixed between the two designs, a brown inner dome must be used with the black boot. I've not found info regarding how crucial is the thin foam seal. It's included only with the u-joint kit, not in the separate seal kit (o-ring under the u-joint and six bolt grommets).

Post# 544476 , Reply# 2   9/19/2011 at 08:30 (4,782 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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