Thread Number: 36591
Lint Filter Agitator for Maytag Wringer
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Post# 544700   9/20/2011 at 11:36 (4,747 days old) by mr-maytag (Minneapolis, MN)        

mr-maytag's profile picture
Does anyone know of a complete lint filter agitator for a Maytag wringer washer that would be available or happen to have an extra? I would like to find one.

Post# 544729 , Reply# 1   9/20/2011 at 14:13 (4,747 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
depending on which model you have.....all you need is a standard capacity powerfin agitator.....but you don't have to have the softener cup, but still nice for looks

Post# 544731 , Reply# 2   9/20/2011 at 14:37 (4,747 days old) by mr-maytag (Minneapolis, MN)        

mr-maytag's profile picture
Thanks Yogi...I didn't know that they all fit like that - that's good to know. I thought I'd read somewhere that it was an option for wringers and kind of wanted the one that would have been offered originally. I have a J and an E.

Post# 544756 , Reply# 3   9/20/2011 at 16:26 (4,747 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I am not sure about a lint filter specific for a wringer......but years ago working at a shop, a Maytag automatic came in with an agitator from a wringer, and then I started playing around with different machines and wringers realizing they both use the same stub......mostly the standard size allowed the lid to fit, just not sure if the large capacity one is too tall

this worked for mainly the large round and tall square tubs....but worth a shot to try it on a few others

Post# 544762 , Reply# 4   9/20/2011 at 17:55 (4,746 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Hey guys -

Sorry to be a bummer, but an Automatic Maytag agitator (either from an AMP or Helical) will not work on a conventional Maytag. The spline rests much lower on the conventional agitator.

An Automatic agitator will slide on to the conventional's transmission shaft, but the spline rests too high within the agitator to reach the stop ring on the shaft, thus the agitator would float up off the shaft during wash or scrape the bottom of the tub.

More than likely the best way to find a lint filter agitator for a conventional Maytag is to find a Maytag wringer with one installed.


Post# 544776 , Reply# 5   9/20/2011 at 19:04 (4,746 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
Thanks for the info Ben......but your talking about an agitator from a short square tub machine..........I'm just not positive about the exact model.....but before the powerfin came out, Maytag used these simple post, four vane in their automatics as well......although I have only seen 2....the first I think was a highlander.....

the ones I was able to fit a powerfin into was a large round tub model....and actually it was a bakelite version of the agitator

Post# 544777 , Reply# 6   9/20/2011 at 19:17 (4,746 days old) by wetguymd (Maryland)        

wetguymd's profile picture
I have a lint filter agitator in mine... it was actually my Mom's machine from around 1970... and came with this when they bought the machinne new....

Post# 544778 , Reply# 7   9/20/2011 at 19:44 (4,746 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Lyle - beautiful example there! Usually it was an 'upgrade' during the sale of the wringer. Your mom was a lucky woman!

Your picture also shows something that most photos don't -

The lint filter agitators for the wringers have a Water Level line mark towards the top of the agitator.

The 1955 - 1965 BOL skinny post and 1957-1965 TOL lint filter agitators do not have a Water Level line due to being in automatics (note the skinny post agitator in the photo below does not have the Water Level mark).

Here is a photo showing both versions of the Bakelite automatic agitators available before the Power-Fin agitators. Completely interchangeable within Helical drive automatics, but will not work in wringers.

Martin - I'm not sure what example you were looking at. The skinny post agitator was used in the Highlanders, and the lint filter version was used on the Super Highlanders and the All-Fabric TOL machines (pre-65). Hopefully this clears up any confusion.


This post was last edited 09/20/2011 at 22:01
Post# 544931 , Reply# 8   9/21/2011 at 12:14 (4,746 days old) by mr-maytag (Minneapolis, MN)        

mr-maytag's profile picture
Thanks, Ben. There is quite a difference, I see. :) I saw a lint filter agitator on an N at an estate sale last weekend, but the center filter part was missing. I didn't want the machine...just the agitator!

Post# 545188 , Reply# 9   9/22/2011 at 17:30 (4,745 days old) by washerlover (The Big Island, Hawai’i)        

washerlover's profile picture
Not a huge loss, those Maytag lint filters are a joke, anyway. I never realized until my recent Maytag addition that the filter only "works" on the higher water level settings -- on the low setting the water isn't high enough to reach the bottom of the so-called filter.

Post# 545193 , Reply# 10   9/22/2011 at 18:28 (4,744 days old) by akronman (Akron/Cleveland Ohio)        
lint filter

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You are right about the lint filter only working at top water levels in the automatics Maytags, but at that level it gets just as much lint from a load of clothes as my FilterFlo or Whirlpool. You gotta keep it clean, I throw mine in the dishwasher once a month or so, it cleans up well and gets LOTS of lint, no complaints.

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