Thread Number: 36612
Tall tub d/w?
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Post# 544935   9/21/2011 at 12:25 (4,779 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        

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Can someone explain the tall tub concept, when and why it came about, and how it makes a diiference ( + or -)?

Post# 544951 , Reply# 1   9/21/2011 at 13:58 (4,779 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        
Tall tub

Tall tub, as I'm concerned can mean two things:

first is a dishwasher that has no "auxiliary" panel at the bottom as are most of the machines over here, compared to classic machines that had the loading door and an access door at the bottom (the wash chamber was higher from the floor).

Second it could be "antalunga", long door, dishwashers that have a height of more than 85 cm, ranging from 87-92 cm and can accomodate doors that can be as high as 90 cm.

The advantage is that on tall tub machines one can fit bigger plates and taller pans, or you can have three sliding drawers instead of the classic two.

As an example in my dishwasher (not classic/double panel) with a height of 82 cm (integrated in a cabinet of standard 85 cm) I can fit plates that are at best 30 cm high and on the top drawer I can fit things no higher than 20 cm.
On a tall tub machine one can fit plates of 34 cm and has much more space on top, or can fit three drawers as for cutleries.

Modern upscale kitchens tend to be 90 cm high instead of the standard 85/86 cm (82 cabinet + 3/4 worktop) so the new dishwashers came to fulfill the need of more height instead of simply adding higher feet to standard machines (that can go anywhere from 82-89 cm usually)

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