Thread Number: 367
Need some help not sure if bad or not!!!
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Post# 47711   10/24/2004 at 21:03 (7,215 days old) by compwhiz ()        

Apperently my washer (pic below) was neutral draining and while neutral draining it slipped into spin drain. Is this bad? HELP!!!

Yes it works fine

Post# 47714 , Reply# 1   10/24/2004 at 21:33 (7,214 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

That really is not a problem. Some washers do that after a while. Does not affect the machine much. It may wear the clutch ring after awhile. You should be fine. Most people would not even know that it slips into spin during neutral drain.

Post# 47733 , Reply# 2   10/25/2004 at 06:24 (7,214 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
slipping into spin

Sometimes it may mean that the pump is starting to go, not pumping out the water in the alloted time because it's not spinning fast enough. Could also be possible clog in Magic Filter, if so equipped. Depending on how much water is left when it goes into spin, it will keep engaging spin, and if there's stil too much water in tub, it will stop for a few seconds and try again, all the time pumping the water out, until the level is low enough for spin to stay engaged.

Post# 47781 , Reply# 3   10/25/2004 at 17:38 (7,214 days old) by fixerman ()        

Kenmore78, It sounds like you are describing what a belt drive washer would do. According to the pic it looks to me like a DD.

Post# 47784 , Reply# 4   10/25/2004 at 18:11 (7,214 days old) by compwhiz ()        

It is a dd

Post# 47838 , Reply# 5   10/26/2004 at 06:57 (7,213 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

You're absolutely right, I realized that the machine was a DD after I'd posted.

Post# 47926 , Reply# 6   10/27/2004 at 15:57 (7,212 days old) by Joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

joe_in_philly's profile picture
That is exactly how the DD washers work. Normally, when there is nobody to open the lid and interrupt the cycle, as the dial turns to spin from drain, the motor is briefly shut off. When it is restarted, the tub spins. There is a slight click when the motor stops as the tub become engaged.

You will notice, if you open the lid during the drain, the motor shuts off, and you will hear a slight click noise. When you close the lid, the machine will drain and spin. By interrupting the drain, you caused the machine to spin prematurely.


Post# 47928 , Reply# 7   10/27/2004 at 16:42 (7,212 days old) by fixerman ()        

Joe, what you say is correct, but compwhiz didn't say he opened the lid and then it started spinning. He said "while neutral draining it slipped into spin drain" Presumably he wasn't opening the lid. I have seen many of these machines do just that without opening the lid. They drain for some period, usually a few seconds but the delay can be longer, then start spinning before the spin pause. He should wait for the motor to stop after draining starts to be sure this is a problem.

Post# 47929 , Reply# 8   10/27/2004 at 16:53 (7,212 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

I noticed my km washer does the same thing if set on low water level.After the pause between wash and drain it will spin drain the water until the machine pauses again.It only seems to do this on the low water level.

Post# 47940 , Reply# 9   10/27/2004 at 18:50 (7,212 days old) by fixerman ()        

I don't know why the problem would only show up on low water level but I have observed them going directly into spin on some machines after bringing them in from the cold or if the machine hasn't been run for a while. Sometimes tne machine will go into spin drain before the spin pause on the first load or two and then seem to work normally. Maybe it has something to do with the oil thickness or oil contamination. Or maybe it has something to do with the neutral drain mechanism inside the trans being worn or wearing out.

Post# 47958 , Reply# 10   10/27/2004 at 21:05 (7,212 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture

I've always knew that when the machine is cold, the first cycle should be heavy duty to avoid this annoying problem!

If Whirlpool were to put a small heater coil to warm the tranny, it would not shift into neutral on the regular or delicate cycles. I had my tranny replaced 6 months into ownership of this new washer and I've just replaced the tranny last week because during the spin cycle, it wanted to agitate and spin at the same time....

Post# 48002 , Reply# 11   10/28/2004 at 10:43 (7,211 days old) by Joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

joe_in_philly's profile picture

You are right, I did assume compwiz opened the lid. I should have know what happens when I ASSUME!


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