Thread Number: 36741
A few questions.
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Post# 546622   9/30/2011 at 12:46 (4,683 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

please help by answering these q's for me please.

-how does the indesit moon go mouldy?
-what makes morden machines not last as long as the older ones?
-why do spindryers these days go no faster than 2800? elf and saftey?

help appreciated much


Post# 546625 , Reply# 1   9/30/2011 at 12:55 (4,683 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
Indesit question...

hotpointfan's profile picture
... as on Watchdog the Indesit Moon does not do a 90 degree wash and the detergent dispenser lives inside the drum, so it stays all warm and a lovely breeding ground for bacteria! The drum also stays wet because the Moon does not do a seperate spin cycle!


Post# 546626 , Reply# 2   9/30/2011 at 12:56 (4,683 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
The first 2 questions have been answered and argues EXTENSIVELY to the point of my own boredom on the subject and I daresay others feel the same way. There is no answer to either that seems to not cause wars here,

Im sure a search in the SEARCHALATOR will answer them for you without us repeating for you.

and as for the last question. god knows. Perhaps you could ask Creda/Indesit and report back.


Post# 546627 , Reply# 3   9/30/2011 at 12:58 (4,683 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
Oh yeah...

hotpointfan's profile picture
... and modern machines do not last long because they are now built to be cheaper and built not to last for more than 3 years. Unless you own a Miele that is :)


Post# 546628 , Reply# 4   9/30/2011 at 12:59 (4,683 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
-what makes morden machines not last as long as the older on

iheartmaytag's profile picture

Planned obsolence. 


 The companies found they weren't making enough money building something that lasts, they needed consumers to return and purchase more every five to seven years. 


A good example was given the other day on this site regarding GE.   When new homes aren't being built, they need a market for replacements.



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