Thread Number: 36877
Black Kenmores
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Post# 548526   10/10/2011 at 15:50 (4,745 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

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Post# 548533 , Reply# 1   10/10/2011 at 16:19 (4,745 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        

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Some of the best machines ever right there. My 86 set in almond will always be the pride of my collection. Heres a pic of them. I hope someone on AW grabs that black set because these are wonderful and getting harder to find.

Post# 548565 , Reply# 2   10/10/2011 at 19:46 (4,745 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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Aren't the timer boards NLA on these?


Post# 548567 , Reply# 3   10/10/2011 at 19:56 (4,745 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
PCB Boards

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
I belive the PCB boards are NLA but the board was replaced before I owned the machine. Hopefully if this one has a problem my friend who is a computer guy could fix it.

Post# 548578 , Reply# 4   10/10/2011 at 20:50 (4,745 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
just my tought here

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Here is my 2 cent on this why replace some good working machines just for an upgrade to fl models when they are still in very good working condition in my case i would actualy wait until the machines are beyond repair before replacing the set?

Post# 548628 , Reply# 5   10/11/2011 at 00:46 (4,745 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Exactly right

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
Pierreandreply4 makes a good point. Replacing these classic, elegant, workhorse DD Kenmore machines with new machines will not end well. These old Whirlpool/Kenmores will outwash 99% of the cheap junk made toady and the Direct Drive Whirlpool mechanism is built like a tank. I'd do anything possible to keep them going.

Post# 548650 , Reply# 6   10/11/2011 at 07:58 (4,744 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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These are great machines for any bodies collection, I have this pair in black at the weekend house. Has anyone ever seen this model with the water-saver option?


Malcolm it is true that most of the control parts are NLA for these machines, but so are 90% of the mechanical parts for BD machines. These and any other washer and dryer over 25 years old are sometimes difficult to get going if used as everyday machines.


Pierre, aren't you the one that is talking about getting rid of a perfectly good 8 year old WP Duet pair ?


People who buy high end sets are far more likely to replace them in pairs with other high end machines. When I go over to our appliance distributor you guys would get sick at all the high end Maytag, Kitchenaid, GE, Kenmore and WP pairs that come in every week and most just get crushed. And you know at least one works fine and the other probably needs minor attention. But the same is often true of people that buy expensive cars as they often buy a replacement long before it is worn out. But at least in the case of cars they almost always go on to another owner, where as only a small % of used appliances do. 

Post# 548719 , Reply# 7   10/11/2011 at 18:03 (4,744 days old) by maytag63 (South Berwick, Maine)        

maytag63's profile picture
Wish they were closer to me :(

Post# 548820 , Reply# 8   10/12/2011 at 01:26 (4,744 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

I have seen the black KN machines out this way in both appliance swap shops-It least out here-not all of the unwanted machines get crushed-yes,some do-but others end up at the swap shops with hopes of finding new homes.For some reason--old appliance thrift shops here are called swap shops.

Post# 549385 , Reply# 9   10/14/2011 at 19:05 (4,741 days old) by appnut (TX)        
They still are ..

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Post# 549433 , Reply# 10   10/15/2011 at 00:08 (4,741 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Not Shredmores

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
I have used many WP built DD machines and have never seen evidence of the (Shredmore myth). As with any other washer use it correctly and your clothes will be fine.

Post# 549438 , Reply# 11   10/15/2011 at 00:52 (4,741 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Trust me, I USED mine correctly.  Even with GALLONS of water more than should have been in there for washing laundry for each fill, Is till had clothes ruined!!  Within a year of buying my Lady Ks, I regretted I'd bought them--especially the washer.  And thee aer countlesss friensd here in town who felt the same way. 

Post# 549500 , Reply# 12   10/15/2011 at 09:43 (4,740 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Me too...

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I sent my LK set back. 3 service calls in 5 mo. Not worth my trouble. And Sears wanted to charge me to come get em. The nerve!


Post# 549544 , Reply# 13   10/15/2011 at 14:12 (4,740 days old) by Imperial70 (MA USA)        
They are still ...

I have to concur. Shredmore. I had a 1997 70 series with the Dual Action Plus agitator. The plus was that it could turn the best towels into pulp. AND it couldn't take care of delicates like my belt drive whirlpool did. Anything more delicate than denim was forbidden in the shredmore.

With that said, it's still a modern classic and I bow down and pay respect to it.

Also if that electronic board is not repairable I would think you could swap it for mechanically controlled dashboard?

Post# 553026 , Reply# 14   10/31/2011 at 10:03 (4,724 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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Out of curiosity, do any of you digital Kenmore owners ever troll ebay looking for spare timer boards? I was wondering if by chance they ever pop up as NOS.

Anyone got the part numbers? Wonder how many versions of the board were released.


Post# 553053 , Reply# 15   10/31/2011 at 12:41 (4,724 days old) by DirectDriveDave ()        
"Shredmore" Problem

I just want to add, if this is a problem, check your lower agitator. I have heard some talk about how some plastic bits were not filed off properly and they were catching the fabrics.

About 5 years ago, one of my neighbors was saying they were having this problem. I actually did find part of the plastic not filed properly. After I pointed it out to him, he took care of it, and 5 years later, he as told me he has had no fabric damage whatsoever.

Post# 553062 , Reply# 16   10/31/2011 at 13:10 (4,724 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
me i had an inglis whirlpool superb 2 direct drive washer th

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i had a direct drive top load washer the one i mention above and never had torn or rip clothes that lasted from 1993 to 2004 and my clothes was never damage and i can also say that there is no such thing as washer ripping clothes as they wash.

Post# 553449 , Reply# 17   11/1/2011 at 18:50 (4,723 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Yes, on Ebay some do pop up from time to time. There are small electronics shops that take them in, troubleshoot & fix the problem and sell them again. I wish someone would do the same for the button pad too.

Post# 553469 , Reply# 18   11/1/2011 at 20:18 (4,723 days old) by limitededition ()        
suds saver

I have a first series one, black, I bought new in 1986 have never ruined one item. I have serviced hunreds of them probaly the easiest to service washer ever, to get suds or dry agitate to work push selected cycle push asterisk between cycle selection and water level and start you will get two minutes of dry agitate or suds return. The second series had an extra switch opposite of the lamp switch which turned the automatic temp control on or off, the first series you could not turn off the ATC. You had to have the external water saver attatchment to make it work automatically. I believe that all early direct drive washers post 1986 had a spot at the two minute mark that gave you dry agitate or suds return. and that was on the timer until the early to mid nineties.

Post# 553485 , Reply# 19   11/1/2011 at 21:07 (4,723 days old) by DirectDriveDave ()        

I personally was not a fan of suds savers. I would not want to reuse wash water that has already been used, even if it meant using less water from the tap.

Post# 553556 , Reply# 20   11/2/2011 at 07:14 (4,722 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Dave if you don't like reusing wash water then you could never wash any two items in the same load as there may be cross contamination, only exception is a pair of socks if they were worn by the same person at the same time LOL John.


PS same for dishes, only soiled dish per load in a DW or a dish pan of sudsy water.

Post# 556784 , Reply# 21   11/15/2011 at 12:15 (4,709 days old) by Jsneaker ()        
Cleanliness Hype

I find it amusing that so many people are so concerned or paranoid with "cross-contamination" and having their laundry and dishes come out SO HYGIENIC. If you stop a moment to think, as soon as a washer or dishwasher has finished its cycle, the moment the washed items hit the atmosphere, and next one touches anything with their bare hands, everything is contaminated immediately! D'OH! (:

Post# 556908 , Reply# 22   11/15/2011 at 21:41 (4,709 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
If you really think about it

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how many times that water you drank today was dinosaur urine?? carried fish poop etc. The Earth is an amazing machine because everything has been here since 3 billion years and nature is still fresh as a daisy. Now that's a miracle!

Post# 556955 , Reply# 23   11/16/2011 at 05:12 (4,708 days old) by qualin (Canada)        

I have to admit that the control panels for this pair is pretty neat. Back in the 80's if I had seen these I would have thought that they looked really futuristic.

It's kind of sad that they do look dated, even though even the most modern washers these days still have dials on them. I like the little LED diagrams for the tub water level and temperature. That's something which is definitely a product of its time. :)

I think talking about Suds Savers is something reserved for another thread, one I'm kind of tempted to start. :)

Post# 556969 , Reply# 24   11/16/2011 at 07:16 (4,708 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Jon I always love the way you think, it reminds me of my father who always tried to get us to think about the big picture of things in life. 


I always remember my father telling that one time when he was standing in line at the water cooler at work and his assistant was taking a drink. And he remarked just think how many times that water has been drank before, he said after that the women only drank Cokes, LOL.

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