Thread Number: 36897
Fisher & Paykel disc washer . . .
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Post# 548850   10/12/2011 at 07:02 (4,671 days old) by Easyspindry (Winston-Salem, NC)        

. . . Yesterday I had an opportunity to use my handy-dandy safety switch cancellation gadget and watch an F&P machine wash a small load of mixed clothing and towels. As suspected, I was disappointed with the action. When the disc started agitating, nothing happened to the clothes -- well, almost nothing. There was one sock that was on top of the load, and it took practically the whole wash cycle for it to get down into the action.

I gave the customer a few tips for some of her complaints, the main one of which was that she didn't think her clothes were getting rinsed sufficiently. This particular machine "rinsed" six times which consisted of the tub rotating slowly as fresh water sprayed on the clothes. There was a spin between each rinse which increased the length of the cycle considerably.

The customer's basic comment was: I'll not have another one.

Is anybody from Fisher & Paykel listening???

Personally I own a F&P machine with an agitator and have no complaints whatsoever with it. It has given me trouble free service now for 6 years. But these disc machines just don't get it.

Just thought you guys would be interested.

Jerry Gay

Post# 548905 , Reply# 1   10/12/2011 at 11:28 (4,671 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Rinsing Adjustment

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I thought the F&P machines had a service mode where the rinsing could be adjusted to longer sprays. Never fooled with one of their wash plate machines. But I did have a agitator machine for a while. I liked it.


Post# 548930 , Reply# 2   10/12/2011 at 15:10 (4,671 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
she didn't think her clothes were getting rinsed suffici

ronhic's profile picture

My question is:


- Is she using front load detergent?


The version of these machines that is sold on the Australian market are known to wash and rinse detergent out well, but there can be trouble with Zeolites and other builders not rinsing out properly which will leave white flecks....

Post# 548934 , Reply# 3   10/12/2011 at 15:19 (4,671 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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F&P agitator machines also have the shower rinse function. IWL (Intuitive) and older non-EcoSmart units such as my GWL08 offer it as an option. EcoSmart models do shower rinsing by default on Regular and Heavy Duty, unless the Softener Rinse option is selected. I have used shower rinse on my IWL12 several times, it seems effective.

Jerry, what model is your friend's AquaSmart? There are several (LCD, LED with dispensers, LED without dispensers). Available options differ a little per model. Selecting conventional mode (non-HE) for cycles that allow it should change the rinse to use more water. Some units have a separate option for AquaPlus Rinse on the HE cycles. Models with a softener dispense option also change to a "deep" rinse when it's selected.

Post# 549055 , Reply# 4   10/13/2011 at 01:02 (4,670 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

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My 1973 Panasonic TT was a 'disc' washer and perfectly competent. I could put a full set of single-bed linen in it and it turned over aggressively.

Post# 549057 , Reply# 5   10/13/2011 at 01:18 (4,670 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

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Undoubtedly, however that machine wasn't a high efficiency machine....

Post# 549060 , Reply# 6   10/13/2011 at 02:55 (4,670 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

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In 1973 appliances didn't come with efficiency ratings. But the whole washtub was 5 gallons and it could be used for as much as half a week's laundry. Sounds pretty efficient to me.

Can't blame government for everything disappointing about laundry machinery. Some of it is just plain bad design. The center and side disc didn't work as well as the corner disc, which the Panasonic was.

Post# 549075 , Reply# 7   10/13/2011 at 05:51 (4,670 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
Oh, for goodness sake.

The panasonic basically filled with water and washed. The Fisher & Paykel does not on it's default settings.

Post# 549080 , Reply# 8   10/13/2011 at 07:27 (4,670 days old) by Easyspindry (Winston-Salem, NC)        
DADoES . . .

. . . can't tell you the exact model name or number. But the control panel was black with numerous buttons all across the back of the machine for regular, sheets, perma press, etc. I did see the "fabric softener" button and advised her to use that the next time.

There are 3 dispensers on the lip under the lid -- one for detergent, another for bleach, and another for softener. She was using HE liquid detergent, but I can't remember the brand.

Just watching the machine wash, I saw very little turn-over and was basically disappointed.

My F&P does the spray rinse and there has never been a problem. I've even filled the tub with clean water after it was finished, and there was no soap residue. I use Sears powder detergent and usually add some OxyClean. Sometimes it rinses more than other times. I've never been able to figure out why.

I have some other friends that want to get rid of their Neptune that works just fine and get a F&P. I advised them to look for one with an agitator.

Just thought you'd be interested.

Jerry Gay

Post# 549148 , Reply# 9   10/13/2011 at 14:50 (4,670 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

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Only point was 'discs can work'. But if you mean the Pana would not turn over sheets if it was only half full of water, quite right.

Post# 549159 , Reply# 10   10/13/2011 at 16:57 (4,670 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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But the control panel was black with numerous buttons all across the back of the machine for regular, sheets, perma press, etc. I did see the "fabric softener" button and advised her to use that the next time.

There are 3 dispensers on the lip under the lid -- one for detergent, another for bleach, and another for softener.
That would be an upper-end LED model, which is mid-line for the AquaSmart series. It may/should have the AquaPlus rinse option. Advise her to read the user manual thoroughly for all the options that are available. It may/should also have a Clean Me cycle which runs a deep-fill full-hot wash with a soak period and two rinses, intended for cleaning the machine of scrud. Agitator EcoSmart models also have a hidden machine-cleaning cycle which can be used to wash clothes. Not sure if AquaSmart may sense for a load and refuse to run if not empty ... she'd have to try it.

AquaSmart is of course a sibling (slightly smaller capacity, rated 7 kg or 15.5 lbs) to the original Oasis/Cabrio/Bravos models that were designed around F&P SmartDrive motor & basket drive.

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