Thread Number: 36903
Speed Queen AWN432 - Fill Level
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Post# 548896   10/12/2011 at 10:46 (4,759 days old) by llmaytag (Southern California)        

llmaytag's profile picture
So far I'm very happy with my new AWN432 Speed Queen. Very solid and quiet when it runs, close to my original Maytag DC. I miss the spin-sprays after the rinses, but not that big a deal.

Anyway, the reason why I the manual it mentions that as of January 2009 all top loaders had to reduce fill levels. At the highest setting the level is still about four inches below the top of the tub, (up to the first row of holes on the agitator). I've heard that the commercial units have a switch inside the console that can raise the top fill level. Does anyone know if there is such a switch inside the console of the in-home models?


Post# 548970 , Reply# 1   10/12/2011 at 17:29 (4,758 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        

there is a way to raise the water level. It has been discussed on here in a different thread. I am not sure how to do it, without seeing that. I haven't done it to mine yet, as I need another person to help me move it out. SOMEONE ON HERE....HELP US OUT FINDING THE THREAD....

Post# 548976 , Reply# 2   10/12/2011 at 18:14 (4,758 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        
The answer

kenmore71's profile picture
Here it is from thread #25261, reply #30, post #391435, from mtn1584

On the back panel of the washer there are three screws. One on the right, the left, and the middle. Unscrew these, you may need to use a tiny wrench to do so. Once unscrewed tilt the control panel foward and look for the water level switch.
There is a screw on this switch. Turn it clockise 1/4 to raise the water level. Check the water level. If it is not to your liking drain the machine, and turn the screw another 1/4 turn until the height is to your preference. Unplug the machine while doing this adjustment.

Post# 549025 , Reply# 3   10/12/2011 at 21:46 (4,758 days old) by llmaytag (Southern California)        

llmaytag's profile picture
I'll have to give it a try!

Post# 549176 , Reply# 4   10/13/2011 at 18:42 (4,757 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        
looking at the back of my machine,

I see the three screws you are talking about. These three screws are in cutouts, and there are two others that are not. Do these two need removed also?

Post# 549392 , Reply# 5   10/14/2011 at 19:57 (4,756 days old) by mtn1584 (USA)        

No just the three screws you see in the "cutout" ...put a towel on top of the machine so as not to scratch the top, the edges of the console are sharp. You will definitely have to turn the screw more than a 1/4 turn, try one full turn first, and see how you like it.

Post# 549995 , Reply# 6   10/17/2011 at 12:48 (4,753 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        

I just modified my fill level...was much easier to do than I expected. Have a load in's good to see the water where it should be...thanks for all of your help...

Post# 550266 , Reply# 7   10/18/2011 at 18:22 (4,752 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
another happy Speed Queen owner........YAY!

Post# 550271 , Reply# 8   10/18/2011 at 18:52 (4,752 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        
I was happy before I changed the level,

but now I'm very happy. :) It 's a great machine and now I can wash real "extra large" loads.....YAY!!!!!

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