Thread Number: 36955
in the 8 years i have had my duet set
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Post# 549622   10/15/2011 at 18:53 (4,755 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

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Hello everyone (*please note that i do not went this to turn into a debate) in the 8 years i have had my duet set i have nothing wrong to say about the dryer but in the 8 years since 2004 that i have wash my clothe in my duet washer i can say that about the washer since i got it in 2004 i have not been satisfied with it i am toughting it until it breaks because when it breaks i am replacing both the washer dryer with a rebadge estate brand whirlpool washer top load with matching dryer.

What i am not satisfied on my duet washer is for 1 thing it leaves my clothes full of wrinkles second i do not like the long washtime third the fact that on the gentle cycle and hand wash cycle they skip the first spin to rinse directly forth the fact that i have to sit down to load unload the washer and here the advantages why i am going back to a top load washer.

Top-loading washers

• Removes more dirt on average in a normal cycle front load washer.

• Met generally less time to complete a normal cycle that front-loading washer.

• Rise in average a little more than a gentle cycle front load washer.

• Is generally less noise than a front-loading washer.

• is more ergonomic, due primarily to the position of openness and lack of clean seal.

• Takes up less space generally a deep front-loading washer.

In short ...

Overall, the efficient top-loading washers that Protect You have tested provided better performance than the front-loading machines.

They are the best choice if you are not or little delicate cycle.

and its very rare that i use the delicate gentle cycle i only use this cycle for washing curtains

for me a 10 minute wash is more than engough

Post# 549623 , Reply# 1   10/15/2011 at 18:55 (4,755 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
Forgot to mention

pierreandreply4's profile picture
and i also forgot to mention that when the washer go into the spin part the noise it makes annoys me as my washer dryer is on the second floor i can hear it on the first floor when i am watching tv

Post# 549647 , Reply# 2   10/15/2011 at 20:13 (4,755 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
quiet washer

if you want a quiet front load washer,try a vintage maytag neptune-mine(98 mah3000)
is very quiet-much quieter than my daily driver top load,an'81 filter flo(i like
to hear my filter flo though-humming,groaning,squeaking a little,drumming,and the
clunk,sometimes double clunk to signal the end of spin cycle LOL)With the neptune
an"assending UFO"sound signals the start of a spin-besides that i never hear it in
the house.Easy loading with the neptune too-can heave the contents of a laundry
basket straight into the neptune in one motion.
For recent top load washers,i like my GE hydrowave but some have had reliabilty
problems with these-motor inverter failures have been reported...Others love the
GE hydrowave and have had years of trouble free service...

Post# 549650 , Reply# 3   10/15/2011 at 20:19 (4,755 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
Thank you for the info but for me a top load washer suits my needs better.

Post# 549652 , Reply# 4   10/15/2011 at 20:24 (4,755 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
and i do not went another front loader for me they do not fit my needs read my other post my duet set is slowy starting to show signs of replacement for all of the info.

Post# 549664 , Reply# 5   10/15/2011 at 21:00 (4,755 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Second Floor Laundry

mrb627's profile picture
You probably wont be very happy with the amount of noise a TL machine will generate through your house either. At least with a FL machine, the noise is just for the spin portion of the cycle.

Like it or not, HE machines are the future and people will need to adjust one way or another.


Post# 549669 , Reply# 6   10/15/2011 at 21:30 (4,755 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i do not notice the noise a top load washer makes i had a top load washer from 1993 to 2004 and when i had to replace my topload in 2004 i was looking at the prices for another top load washer. and these newer fancy machines are way out of my price range as well

Post# 549684 , Reply# 7   10/15/2011 at 23:37 (4,755 days old) by DirectDriveDave ()        

As long as the used market is around, standard TLs will be anything but a thing of the past.

We have a 1990 Whirlpool Direct Drive (hence my name) and we have never had any problems with noise.

Post# 549743 , Reply# 8   10/16/2011 at 08:55 (4,755 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

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Pierre, i just don't understand why a second thread to talk about exactly the same thing.

As said on the other thread, if this machine satisfy your needs, why don't get it?


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