Thread Number: 36988
Tricity Bendix AW1053W, Another problem!
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Post# 550182   10/18/2011 at 10:53 (4,665 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        

servisslimline's profile picture
ok so, the last problem was sorted, it was just a piece of plastic in the motor, but ever since i sorted it the motor hasn't been sounding as it should, its fine until final spin at 800rpm or faster, it can screech or whine loudly, then last week my dad phoned to say the machine was acting up, apparently spewing out water from the door and drawer, and spinning during the wash, i came back last Monday to look at it to find it acting completely normal, just the odd sound from the motor occasionally, and it was fine so i thought nothing of it.
until last night when i was doing a load, again it was on final spin and it let out a screech at 800rpm, and didn't go away, i re spun the load just to see if i could make out what it was and i couldn't. so then i continued as normal, starting a boilwash with a load of towels, it seemed to start ok so i continued with my business only to find minutes later the machine doing exaclty what my dad had described to me on the phone the other week, spinning during the wash, its ok when tumbling to the left but once its turning to the right it launches up to a spin at 400rpm and the motor cuts out because of the strain, it kept doing it so i tried a rinse and it still did the same, then a seperate spin and it was fine, so i tried another rinse and it seemed to have returned to normal, im guessing its the belt but ive never seen anything happen like this on a washer before, any ideas? cheers in advance

Post# 550199 , Reply# 1   10/18/2011 at 12:45 (4,665 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
Motor burning up

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i think it might be your washer motor that 's burning up maybe you should check to see if your wssher do that while running it on am empty full cycle with no clothes inside and at the end of the actual cycle check to see if water is remaining in the washer tub or if its drain fully.

Post# 550201 , Reply# 2   10/18/2011 at 12:53 (4,665 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        
My guess

aquarius1984's profile picture
is that the carbon brushes are on the way out. fluctuations in motor speed can go either way when they wear out. Have the motor off and remove them, replace if less than 1/4 to 1/2 an inch left.

I doubt its anything to do with the speed module as its only occuring occasionally. Brushes can mostly be bought from ebay for around 5-8 quid including postage if you look hard enough, Better than going to a repair shop and paying anything upto £30 for some machines.

Note how they went in and you can re install the new set yourself, its quite easy to do - if needed take photos to help you remember and do it with your dad so he can ensure its done properly of you risk knackering up the armature if not put in properly.

That would require a new motor then.

always a good idea to get a crevice tool on a decent vac to remove any carbon from the innards of the motor using a clean paintbrush to help.

Post# 550207 , Reply# 3   10/18/2011 at 13:21 (4,665 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        

servisslimline's profile picture
last time i had the machine out i looked at the brushes and they looked as if they still had plenty on them,and the machine has only been used at most about 20 times since then, i will check again though to be safe

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