Thread Number: 37007
ISE Classic Supreme Dishwasher -- Help!
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Post# 550457   10/19/2011 at 14:08 (4,751 days old) by electricscott ()        

I have an ISE Classic Supreme dishwasher that came with the house I bought. I have been researching replacement parts for the unit and found this forum where I see that Ralph has the EXACT same dishwasher as mine. After reading several threads, I believe that it is a 22 series KA.

However, I was hoping to get a model number to search for replacement parts and an owner's manual.

Any information would be most appreciated.

Best regards,

Post# 550510 , Reply# 1   10/19/2011 at 17:02 (4,751 days old) by retropia ()        

Scott, I've got the owner's manual scanned, and I'll email it to you. The file sizes are kind of large so I'll send them in batches.

Post# 550519 , Reply# 2   10/19/2011 at 17:37 (4,751 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Doug, I thought you had scanned the owner's manual for me, but I can't find it anywhere in my documents or an e-mail trail.  I was going to send it to Scott, but then found I didn't have it.


Scott, I didn't have much luck using the ISE model number when searching for parts.  The equivalent KA model number produced better results.  You should do fine on a site like Sears parts with just "KUDI22" or something like that.

Post# 550521 , Reply# 3   10/19/2011 at 17:39 (4,751 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        

I have the parts manuals for those units so let us know what you need and I can give you the ISE numbers and probably most of the Kitchenaid equivalents. I wonder if ISE has kept more of the parts around than Whirlpool has for the K/A's.
Your model number should be on the left side of the tank where the door goes into the tank or at least on the control panel.


Post# 550525 , Reply# 4   10/19/2011 at 17:53 (4,751 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Scott, in case you haven't noticed it yet, here's a shot that shows location of the information label at left front of the tub.

Post# 550535 , Reply# 5   10/19/2011 at 18:43 (4,751 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        
Be sure of your model number!

Scott, the ISE machines were actually copies of the 20,21/22 and 23 series machines.The 20's were rare in most parts of the country.So if you post a shot of the interior with the wash arm installed on its support, it will be easy to tell which series it is. My aunt had 2 of them and one was a 21/22 series and the second one she bought was the 23 based model. Both of them worked beautifully but the 23 was quieter.

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