Thread Number: 37068
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Post# 551394   10/23/2011 at 11:50 (4,660 days old) by DanbyFan ()        

I have a Danby DWM5500W-1 that I need to replace the bearings in. Problem is I can't get the one piece cabinet off. Presumably there are screws or bolts underneath that when removed allow the cabinet to be lifted off.

I have removed the lid, the door seal, the detergent/water gasket and the top weight. I can't see anything else that is connected to both the tub and the cabinet, but I cannot see down into the cabinet well enough to know if there are release clips or to identify which of the bolts on the bottom will release the cabinet.

Can anyone help me?

Post# 552248 , Reply# 1   10/27/2011 at 12:27 (4,656 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        

It could be a welded tub, meaning you have to replace the whole drum & Tub, almost like modern day Indesits, it is so the manufacturer can make money.

Post# 553112 , Reply# 2   10/31/2011 at 16:27 (4,652 days old) by DanbyFan ()        

Thankfully that wasn't it - turned out the cabinet stays where it is and everything is lifted out of the top (after removing one tiny piece of trim that would make it impossible otherwise).

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