Thread Number: 37151
Candy EVO: Fast tumbles during wash... a little......
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Post# 552582   10/29/2011 at 09:43 (4,742 days old) by nrones ()        

Hello guys!
Some videos of Candy EVO rinsing (hopefully we will get washing ones too).
Turns out that it is distributing like old ones.. but just a little! It is rotating even faster than normal distributing, and does whole SPIN BURSTS full of water! :D

2 videos:



Well, I have to say, that I honestly didn't expect it to be as good as this!


Post# 552659 , Reply# 1   10/29/2011 at 15:46 (4,741 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
I really enjoyed those videos! Looks a fun machine!


Post# 552775 , Reply# 2   10/30/2011 at 10:23 (4,741 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

Interesting! But I think I would want a machine with an inverter drive and not with a brush motor, if not only for the noise.

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