Thread Number: 37162
Amana top loader won't agitate or spin but drains
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Post# 552689   10/29/2011 at 17:36 (4,707 days old) by backlash ()        

This is the same washer i posted about last year (Amana Distinctions, '02). Belt and idler spring was replaced five months ago, ran great until this week. Water started leaking onto the floor from under the cabinet. Pulled the front panel off and found water sitting in the dip under the tub. Started a cycle w/the tub empty but when it got past the fill it wouldn't agitate. Clicked it into spin and no tub movement although the water shot out of the drainhose like usual.

So! Am I thinking correctly that it's either the motor, transmission or pump? I really hate to part with it - nice huge stainless tub and will practically spin the clothes dry.

Post# 552700 , Reply# 1   10/29/2011 at 18:27 (4,707 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
Sounds to me like you have a broken belt. If the washer drains and since the pump is direct drive and you don't have agitation or's the belt.

Post# 552733 , Reply# 2   10/29/2011 at 23:27 (4,707 days old) by Supersurgilator (Indiana)        

Are you sure this isn't one of the Whirlpool made Amana's? Sounds like the typical broken coupler on a WHirlpool DD.

Post# 552755 , Reply# 3   10/30/2011 at 07:32 (4,707 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Its not the motor or pump and no its not a WP DD if it is from 2002. Try to see where the water is coming from thats inside the machine, it could be getting on the belt and allowing it to slip enough to not turn the transmission pulley. If the leak is coming down over the transmission you have a big repair on your hands, if the trans is locked up check you may have a ten year trans parts warranty, but the labor costs may still kill you. If it is one of these major problems you either need to be be very handy or have a friend in the business who is willing to fix this or it is time for another washer. Good Luck let us know what happens.

Post# 553977 , Reply# 4   11/3/2011 at 21:29 (4,702 days old) by backlash ()        

It was the belt causing the no agitation - got wet enough to leave residue on the idler pulley and let the belt slide. New belt & started just fine. Also discovered where the leak is coming from: a screw that looks like it holds the outer tub to the tub flange in the front and I believe one in the back. Now to pull it off and see what's up.

Took some pics but the lighting isn't the best as the washer is in a corner.


Post# 554024 , Reply# 5   11/4/2011 at 08:23 (4,702 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
most expensive ever and it will ruin your floors

They were very good at washing same as the new SQ's, and similar in appearance.  This generation of Amana's from the mid 1990's  had a tendency to leak at the center shaft.  It was the most expensive washer we ever owned, and lasted 7 years to the day. IIRC Angus on this site also had one of these.  The problem is the repair at the time was over $300.  plus the seal and and as combo posted the drip can be splattered around by the belt, in our case  it was dripping from the rear of the machine leaching under the baseboard and the vinyl flooring in the laundry alcove mildewed under the clear coat top layer. Backlash if you can do the repair yourself might be worth it, IF the machine is on a concrete floor such as a garage or basement floor. If its in the living levels of the house with carpet or tile, i would send it to the curb. Problem is they tend to leak a little at first ,progressively getting worse, by the time you discover the leak its too late to save your flooring. alr


Post# 554175 , Reply# 6   11/4/2011 at 23:15 (4,701 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

We had a '97 Amana washer.  It went through belts on a regular basis but never leaked anything during the 9 years we had it.  It required more service than any other washer I've known, even the despised '67 Wardge Signature 18.

Post# 554794 , Reply# 7   11/7/2011 at 13:25 (4,699 days old) by backlash ()        
Before I break something...

Which way is the bolt in the top of the drive bell removed? Righty or lefty? I've been able to find squat-all repair vids for the washer and the service manual left out this information.

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