Thread Number: 37169
Whirlpool WFW9150WW & WED9150WW feedback? Buyers remorse.
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Post# 552810   10/30/2011 at 14:52 (4,653 days old) by denisec ()        

Hi, I'm new to the forum. Just purchased the whirlpool duet stackable WFW9150WW & WED9150WW washer & dryer set over the weekend from Lowes. Got a great deal as it's last years model, but upon coming home & looking at reviews I see VERY mixed reviews, now I'm feeling some buyers remorse & wondering whether I should purchase the extended warranty 'just in case'. I've never had front loaders, so I REALLY want this to be a positive experience. Salesman told us Whirlpool was most dependable in the industry, yada, yada, yada...Can anyone give me some feedback on their whirlpool front-loading duet? And suggestions on whether to purchase the extended warranty? Thank you!

Post# 552838 , Reply# 1   10/30/2011 at 17:55 (4,653 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Never purchase an extended warranty, if you do your research you will find out what a waste of money these are. WP washers and dryers are very reliable for at least the first 5 years so you will spend quite a bit of money before you are likely to get any benifit out of an extended warranty.

Post# 552856 , Reply# 2   10/30/2011 at 18:57 (4,653 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
me i was caugh on that side

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When i bought my set in 2004 they sold us the extended warranty and its long since expiered since the set i have is now 8 years old so when they go i will not have them repaired since i would be replacing them with this set when they brake

Post# 552857 , Reply# 3   10/30/2011 at 19:05 (4,653 days old) by aaronfitzy (Pennsylvania)        
I own that Model

aaronfitzy's profile picture
I own that washer, WFW9150WW, and couldn't be any happier. I've owned it for almost 2 years now, and I've had no issues with it whatsoever. I do leave the door open after using, so I've never had any mold or stink issues. Trust me, you made a good purchase! I personally wipe out the gasket about once a week also.

If this is your first front loader purchase, please keep in mind that they use ALOT less water, therefore the cycles take longer to get your clothes clean. On the "Normal" setting with a full load of clothes it takes about an hour. BUT, since these spin at 1,200 RPM's on the highest setting, your drying time is almost cut in half. I don't own the matching dryer, so not much I can say about that.


Post# 552988 , Reply# 4   10/31/2011 at 05:07 (4,652 days old) by limey ()        
Extended Warranties

Well denisec you should have got the message by now.
One thing I would add to combo's comment above is that most of these 'extended warranties' only go on for so long and should your machine still be working at the end of it, and you have paid for the extended warranty very likely you have nothing to show for the cash (in the case of Sears MPA you are entitled to one check up visit per year but viewing many posts on the subject good luck on them showing up when they say they will, for the check up, or a repair call).
It is a gamble I know but these companies do not offer these scams, sorry schemes, because they are 'nice guys' but to make money, and who are they making money from?
They are gambling that only so many of the machines will require repairs (cost them money) and what they have taken in with the scheme will pay for that and leave a very healthy profit.
One other point with these schemes is that you are, in effect, giving the company an 'interest free loan'. You pay up front for this 'service'. The company has the use of your money, interest free, until such time as repairs are required. During that period of time this means that their short term borrowing needs (usually taken care of by a line of credit, or something similar), are reduced by what you have given them. This will of course 'improved the bottom line' at financial reporting time.

Post# 553007 , Reply# 5   10/31/2011 at 08:31 (4,652 days old) by RE563 (Fort Worth, Texas)        
I also wanted to point out

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that when checking reviews online (which I do that too), After reading through them once, go back and count up the number of positive review vs. the negitive ones. Then go back and re-read the negitive ones. One of the first things you'll notice is that most will complain, just to complain. Most of what they are saying is usually user error. Others just want to see themselves in print on-line.

Post# 553050 , Reply# 6   10/31/2011 at 12:25 (4,652 days old) by aaronfitzy (Pennsylvania)        

aaronfitzy's profile picture
Most people when writing a product review will get online and do it when they are PISSED off becuase something is "wrong" with it. When the product is working pefectly fine, you usually don't see any reviews.


Post# 553618 , Reply# 7   11/2/2011 at 13:04 (4,650 days old) by joefuss1984 (Little Rock, AR)        
extended warranties

joefuss1984's profile picture

I keep this article in mind about extended warranties.  I used to buy them all the time until I realized that I didn't ever use them and that about half of the cost of them is commission.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO joefuss1984's LINK

Post# 553630 , Reply# 8   11/2/2011 at 13:59 (4,650 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

And I thought that the general advice when buying a FL machine was to buy the extended warranty?

But I have noticed that Sears will let you buy an extended warranty if something fails down the road. The repair might cost $500.00, but the extended warranty only $299 or something like that. So you could always do that later.

Post# 553692 , Reply# 9   11/2/2011 at 18:20 (4,650 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

These are an even worst deal than buying it in the first place, read the fine print they usually do-not cover any repair over $500. So they take your money and condemn the machine and you have to fight with them to get some of your $299 back. It has happened to several of our customers. 


I must have gotten over fifty letters in the mail to buy an extended warranty on my 2005 Dodge Caravan CV, and I am still getting at least two every month. I have yet to have a single problem with this vehicle except for a battery, tires, brake lineings and oil changes. I would have easily been out over $1000 by now if I had tried to keep this vehicle covered and all for the privilege of taking it to some fly by night repair shop. 

Post# 553707 , Reply# 10   11/2/2011 at 19:11 (4,650 days old) by neptune ()        

I have the same washer and I couldn't be happier, we do laundry every day and load it up. Just leave the door open and you shouldn't have a problem.

Post# 554017 , Reply# 11   11/4/2011 at 07:47 (4,648 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        
Buyers remorse?

Denise, I know how you feel about the washer as I too, have the same model which is now 2 years old. We have not had any trouble with it electronically and the only problem I found was in trying to balance out the loads on the spins. The drum tends to knock on the right side looking at it but like our prior LG, it seemsd very sensitive to not being level and I found the front right foot on the pedestal had worked itself loose and the machine wobbled less than 1/4 of an inch and once I fixed than, it was fine.

My remorse stems from the fact that it is really the BOL model and lacks the heater for the water but I could not convince my wife of its benefits since she had never used it on the LG. I did without her knowing so she had no idea that it could help get the clohes cleaner.

As far as cleaning ability, it is about on par with our old Kenmore TL but cannot compare with the LG or even our 1997 Neptune. The LG was better than the Neptune but it self destructed electrically and it was only 5 years old. It had better lift on the clothes and more flexible operations on it. It also allowed you to do a spin only which I truly miss on the Whirlpool.

We have never had a mold or smell issue on any of the 3 FL'S we have had and we were among the very first Neptune owners back in 1997. Our kids were 3 and 4 at the time so their laundry would have been prime suspects in creating odors in the machine and it never happened to us. We never thought at the time to leave the door open on the Neptune as it was near their playroom and we did not want to give them the idea that it was a hiding place! So that door remained closed, But again, never an odor problem.

When we got the LG, we left the door unlocked as we do with the Duet and not a problem at all.

Don't know if this helps or not, but you should be satisfied with your purchase and it should give you some decent service. Oh, BTW, my cousin in AZ has the same unit going on 3 years and does 2x the laundry we do and not a single problem with hers either.

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