Thread Number: 373
New Generation Frigidaire DW
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Post# 47745   10/25/2004 at 08:11 (7,214 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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My new TOL "Tri-Sweep Wash Action" Frigidaire dishwasher was installed on Friday, and it's a big improvement on previous Frigi wash systems. The lower spray module has three 'arms'--- one more and they'll catch up to Kitchen-Aid, ha-ha!

The "Speed Clean" 50 minute cycle cleans better than the "Normal" cycle did on my 2002 TOL Frigi.

Dishes are notably cleaner, especially in the upper rack, with the new wash system. The annoying funnel in the middle of the upper rack is gone; both racks offer more versatile loading; the upper rack is adjustable (higher/lower); there's a small spray arm at the top spraying downward. Racks also have better build quality than previously.

The "Turbo Wash" power boost is cool, but it does make the machine a little louder. Pushing "Wash Silencer" forces the machine to the lowest of four motor speeds, which makes the machine incredibly quiet. It also automatically lengthens the wash cycle to compensate for the decreased water force.

All in all, a big step up for Frigidaire in cleaning ability and features. Now, if we could just get them to offer a stainless interior on this machine...

Not all new Frigidaire's offer the Tri-Sweep Wash Action. Having had both their recent wash systems, I would definitely recommend buying the Tri-Wash, not the previous system.

Sorry, no digicam for pics, kids.

Post# 47760 , Reply# 1   10/25/2004 at 13:02 (7,214 days old) by christd1 ()        
New Frigidaire DW

I have this one too. Has been a big improvement over our previous model as well.
FWIW, Frigidaire does have an Electrolux branded dishwasher with a stainless tub.


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