Thread Number: 37320
Calypso problem
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Post# 554895   11/7/2011 at 20:11 (4,644 days old) by bayouboy (Metairie)        

My whirlpool calypso is spinning as its trying to nutate. Is there a tub brake on these? Any suggestions as to where to start?

Post# 554903 , Reply# 1   11/7/2011 at 20:29 (4,644 days old) by coldspot ()        

Look at this I do not know about this washer myself but on page 49 it talks about your problem I think.


Post# 554904 , Reply# 2   11/7/2011 at 20:30 (4,644 days old) by coldspot ()        

ugh this link might work google is a pain.


Post# 554905 , Reply# 3   11/7/2011 at 20:31 (4,644 days old) by coldspot ()        

This a copy of what I read

Won’t Nutate Machine or motor controller connections loose.
Drive motor inoperative.
Drive belt broken.
Drive mechanism failure.
Check all harness connectors and wiring terminals.
Check Drive motor windings for continuity. Check Drive motor for binding.
Check drive belt. Replace as needed.
Check drive pulley, nutate shaft, leveller,
inner wash plate and universal joint.

Post# 554982 , Reply# 4   11/8/2011 at 03:55 (4,644 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

This machine IS nutating but it sounds like the tub is indexing as it does. Are you saying the tub is just turning while it nutates, or is it going into a full fledged high speed spin?

Paging Dadoes, Paging Dadoes....

Post# 555016 , Reply# 5   11/8/2011 at 07:51 (4,644 days old) by bayouboy (Metairie)        

The machine is nutating, but as it does, the movement of the clothes and the wash plate makes the tub start turning .. it ends up spinning (at a fairly decent speed) while it nutates.

Post# 555032 , Reply# 6   11/8/2011 at 09:19 (4,644 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The basket seems to be free-spinning (not braked) and spins "sympathetically" with the nutation motion? Can you hold it still? The wash plate tilts properly for nutation and levels for spin?

As you'll see upon perusing the service manual that Coldspot linked, there is a brake on the basket drive mechanism. Requires considerable disassembly to access the components.

Post# 555058 , Reply# 7   11/8/2011 at 11:25 (4,644 days old) by bayouboy (Metairie)        

Yes, the nutation is correct and the regular spin part of the cycle is correct, but the basket does move "sympathetically" in the direction of the nutation. I can reach in and hold it still ... washes fine as long as I am holding the basket still. Started looking at the brake on those tech manuals ... seems a bit intimidating! Thanks for your help and input ... love this washer and would like to keep it alive.

Post# 555250 , Reply# 8   11/8/2011 at 21:16 (4,643 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

The tub brake may have failed this happens at times. If you lift the lid when the machine is spinning full speed and if it takes more than a few seconds to stop the brake is not engaging. I have had a few do this when part of the brake linkage sticks, some times lubricating these parts will restore brake function without major disassembly.

Post# 555260 , Reply# 9   11/8/2011 at 21:58 (4,643 days old) by bayouboy (Metairie)        

I am most grateful to you all for the suggestions. It looks that the way to get to the spin break is through the bottom of the machne, so I will try that out.

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