Thread Number: 37464
Zanussi Washer Dryer
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Post# 557079   11/16/2011 at 16:01 (4,708 days old) by andyzanni ()        

Hey guyes, well the Zanussi WDT1061 finally arrived last week, the next day after it was picked up- not bad for £49!!
Anyway, due to my partner's mum sadly passing away, I haven't had a chance to install it, but it came with al the original literature, which makes for an interesting read. The guarantee card is dated 1991.
Serial number is 129 01497
Here is a quick run down of the programmes:

Energetic Washes;
A- Prewash at 40, main wash at 95
B- 95 whites
A (with economy button)- Prewash at 40 and mainwash at 60
B (with economy)- main wash at 60
C- fast coloureds main wash at 60
D- non-fast coloureds- main wash at 40
D (with Quick wash)-short main wash at 40
F- Special treatments- one cold water rinse
G- Spin only for 6 minutes, followed by slow rotations.
Auto Dry can be used on programmes ABCDFG by pressing 'autodry' and selecting the drying time.

Gentle wash cycles;
J- Woollens 40
K- Delicates 40
K (mixed fabrics depressed)- 40
L- whites heavy soil, prewash at 40, main wash at 60
M- whites 60
N Minimum iron 50
N (quick wash button depressed)- 40 main wash
P- Special rinses
Q- Short spin 850rpm
R- drain only.
Autodry can be used with programmes LMNPQ.

The energetic cycles do the (prewash) main wash, 4 cold rinses, spinning 1000rpm.
The gentle cycles do (prewash) main wash (high level), 3 cold rinses (high level), no spin- the clothes are left suspended in the drum and the dial has to be moved manually to drain or spin.

Also, the economy button lowers the wash temp, but the duration of the wash is similar. The auto dry button also cuts out a rinse, from 4 down to 3.

Pictures of booklets and the machine to follow soon! It's in realy great condition, no funny smells or mould, no rust or scrapes :)

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