Thread Number: 37565
Need help with lg 11kg.
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Post# 558589   11/22/2011 at 17:20 (4,683 days old) by micks1979 ()        

Hi guys new member here.I have an 11kg lg without steam had it for 9 wks has not worked for the last four! its had a new heater and a new board but still wont heat the water they are ordering another board but by thursday if not fixed i can refuse the repair and get a refund so what do i get next ? i do on average 20 loads of washing a week the lg replaced a 8 year old dyson i own two dry cleaning shops so can get it done but its a pain oh and my new kitchen is red and black so would still like black have i just got a duff lg?

Post# 558594 , Reply# 1   11/22/2011 at 18:08 (4,683 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

Sounds like a dud machine. Take the refund and I'd be sorely tempted to find something else.


Others may argue against this, but if you want a black machine, BEKO make a large capacity one that gets good reviews by Which?

Post# 558676 , Reply# 2   11/23/2011 at 01:39 (4,683 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

Why don't you get one of the new Hotpoint Aqualtis machines with the black door? They're stylish if that is a concern and there always been good reviews on them.
Otherwise one of the black Hoover Dynamics, the logo of "Hoover" is in red over black so it matches your colorus too. Otherwsie with the same exterior aspect there also is a washer-dryer rated at 8/5 kg.

Post# 558689 , Reply# 3   11/23/2011 at 04:29 (4,683 days old) by ariston4life ((Dublin) Ireland)        

ariston4life's profile picture
the new hotpoint ultimas in black are nice.

Post# 558695 , Reply# 4   11/23/2011 at 05:53 (4,683 days old) by MatthewZA (Cape Town, South Africa)        

take the refund and get another LG 11kg. maybe yours is just a dud and if you get another 1 it'll be fine. they're great machines.
bite the bullet, take the refund and get another LG 11kg

Post# 558731 , Reply# 5   11/23/2011 at 09:45 (4,683 days old) by Jsneaker ()        
Colored Appliances outside the USA

Hey Guys, I wonder how much extra the manufacturers charge for fashion-colored appliances. If one wants a colored machine here, most if not all manufacturers charge $100.00 extra for colored machines. If one wants Stainless Steel front panels , it costs even more! Also, one can pay $1000.00 more for an all-stainless appliance if they are offered! I have heard both bad and good experiences with LG washers here, I got a Samsung. BTW, that new Hoover Automatic is beautiful!

Post# 558756 , Reply# 6   11/23/2011 at 10:55 (4,683 days old) by Hoover1100 (UK)        

Well considering my Nana who lives alone and washes about one small load a week has just had to replace her 4 year old LG as it was beyond repair (and was never right from day 1) I would say steer clear of them if you decide to take a refund and buy something different.

Unfortunately she didn't tell me about this until she had already purchased a new machine, and is now stuck with a vile Indesit made Hotpoint Ultima washer/dryer.

The best machines you can get in black are Bosch if you ask me, unfortunately they don't offer their larger machines in black as far as I am aware. These days you're very hard pushed to buy a decent quality machine full stop, let alone a large capacity model in black, so I'm not really sure what I'd suggest you go with.

Best of luck anyway...


Post# 558763 , Reply# 7   11/23/2011 at 11:39 (4,683 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        
Colored Appliances outside the USA

Given that only SMEG and its imitators (some Antonio Merloni group brands) make colorued appliances over here (Italy) and other than being coloured they are also designed by famous firms, they charge quite a lot of money for them (SMEG). Imitations are usually found at half price (and less than half quality usually!)


Talking about washing machines, you can have any colour you want as long as it is white, black, shades of gray and of course stainless steel.
Colours cost the same as white, while S.S. costs usually a little more because the material is of course different.
There are a handful of coloured design washing machines, also from SMEG, in the 50s style range, that are available in pink, pale blue, cream yellow and snow white.
In the early 2000s Antonio Merloni group had a line of coloured machines but somehow they disappeared.
If the machine is to be seen it should be of design or it should be concealed. There's no point in having coloured washing machine and keep them in the secondary toilet or in the garage.
So far on sale I've seen only white and black dryers and the occasional S.S. one.
Same goes for washer-dryers.


Usually one here (Italy) wants a kitchen with all integrated appliances. Having a separate stove is considered low end (and most of the times it is!) unless one gets some special quality stuff like things from ILVE or "La Germania" (which is actually made in Italy by a local firm, in the same area as SMEG!).
Even dishwashers, in complete difference from what was used in the USA till recent times, are completely enclosed in kitchen cabinetry, at best you only see the control fascia. If you can see the dishwasher's own panel, it is considered under-counter and not integrated.
There's no way one adds a free standing dishwasher in a new kitchen. Same goes for proper under-counter machines, they're done in such a way that they hold a decorating panel to look the same as the other cabinetry.
Free standing appliances are only used where design isn't a concern and not where the kitchen is a primary living space!
So they are added only as last resort.

Fridges are an exception: while any reasonable kitchen will have a built-in and totally concealed fridge, many free standing models are sold as they are usually of bigger capacity and have fancy features like ice-maker and drink dispensers.
Plus SMEG launched the fashion of the style-fridge where the appliance is a piece of art and is supposed to be shown. From this an entire line has sprung up, you can have any colour you want and quite a few different designs too.

On top of this usually the hobs, oven, sink, exhaust fan hood and ancillary appliances (like coffee makers and warming drawers and microwave) are coordinated.
I'll show you an example photo here.
Top is the Candy P-Line Pop
Bottom is SMEG estetica Linea in White

Anyway, if you feel you need more clarification, just ask! :)

CLICK HERE TO GO TO dj-gabriele's LINK

Post# 558773 , Reply# 8   11/23/2011 at 12:53 (4,683 days old) by micks1979 ()        

Cheers guys for the advice so far. I am thinking I am going to stick with LG as the volume of washing done in a week for the household I feel a mid range or budget machine would die within months or a couple of years! Now thinking of the 9KG Steam LG as my new machine has to come from Curry's under my Insurance Policy and they do not have the 11KG in steam. Also a few of my customers who have the 9KG say it is worth its weight in gold, and they probably do the same amount of washing as I do.

Bring back Dyson!!!

Post# 558794 , Reply# 9   11/23/2011 at 14:48 (4,683 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture

I am an ex dyson owner too, I curretnly (funnily enough) have what you're thinking of getting! I have a LG F1479FDS5 which is an awesome machine. The family prefers the LG over the dyson, although the dysons drum is equivalent to the 11kg LG drum, you can still get a large load in the LG and it is super quiet as you may already know. It definitely is quieter than machines i've heard that state they are super silent. I would reccomend getting this machine! I've had mine since June and not a bad point whatsoever. Hope it stays like this for years to come.

Currys currently have the latest 12kg models in btw, that could be an option?

All the best :)

Post# 558795 , Reply# 10   11/23/2011 at 14:53 (4,683 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture
Sorry! A mistake in the last post, I forgot you want a black washing machine. The only option you have is the F1479FDS6 which my aunt has, he's had it for a year now. They have between 3-5 wash loads a day and its going well or the 11kg model whihc you curretnly have.

Once again I forgot you were looking for a black washing machine.

All the best

Post# 558817 , Reply# 11   11/23/2011 at 16:52 (4,682 days old) by micks1979 ()        

hey dyson2drums i think thats what im going for. or do i wait and let them try 1 more board? i cant fault the dyson in anyway they just couldnt get it to work on the last repair thank god i atleast can take my washing to work.

Post# 558821 , Reply# 12   11/23/2011 at 17:07 (4,682 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture
My dyson had a few repairs towards the end but uptil then it was a fab machine, fast, effective at washing, rinsing and spinning as you'll know :)

We had to laundry in my old LG WM12220FD which is at grans still going strong after 6 or so years.

I've only ever been in this position once with out Seris M6115 whihc lasted 6months and got written off as it kept breaking down, after 6 call outs they took it away and we then got our Hotpoint WMA58 which is still going strong at my aunts.

Whatever you decide to do, hope everything goes well. All the best

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