Thread Number: 37638
Returned the Speed Queen
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Post# 559882   11/28/2011 at 09:08 (4,624 days old) by drnls ()        

Well as much as I hated to I returned the 542. There was nothing wrong with the washer. The problem was the amount of wrinkling that was present. This may be inherit with all TL's, not sure. In our home we hang dry a lot of outer wear clothes. With the extra wrinkling it created more work - ironing, spritzing with water and then placing in the dryer. The SQ was very fast with washing and I really liked the hot water setting. We tried all settings to reduce wrinkles, if we did slow spin then the clothes were too wet to hang dry. The dealer accepted the return after discussing the problem. So - back to the Frigidaire FL GLTF2940. I would still suggest a SQ if you use a dryer exclusively. Nelson

Post# 559970 , Reply# 1   11/28/2011 at 15:38 (4,624 days old) by mtn1584 (USA)        

dead silence..................................

Post# 559976 , Reply# 2   11/28/2011 at 16:05 (4,624 days old) by llmaytag (Southern California)        
SQ 432

llmaytag's profile picture
I'm very happy with my SQ 432...the next best thing to Dependable Care Maytag, but I use a dryer, except for workout towels which I hang. They don't need to be soft, no need to be wrinkle free on those.

Post# 559991 , Reply# 3   11/28/2011 at 18:26 (4,624 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
CLUTCH THE PEARLS!!!...he sent back a Speed Queen.....the horror!!!!

Post# 559999 , Reply# 4   11/28/2011 at 19:06 (4,624 days old) by Pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        
Thanks, Martin

pulltostart's profile picture

Your response is priceless.  You have given me the best laugh I've had all day!


A very timely post as I looked at the SQ's this very afternoon and have tenative plans to purchase one tomorrow.  Probably will be a 412.  If so, I can live with the wrinkles as almost everything goes into the dryer.  Bethann's linens hang on the line and I've never known her to complain about wrinkles.



Post# 560000 , Reply# 5   11/28/2011 at 19:12 (4,624 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        
more like operator trouble than machine trouble

Sounds like you are basically trying to get no iron results without using a dryer which is a necessary part of the process to relax the wrinkles and set the needed creases. I used to get perfect perma press results using a Frigidaire washer that spun at 1140 rpm, but I finished the clothes in a dryer.

How can clothes be too wet to line dry? If anything, the weight of the water in the fabrics should help pull out the wrinkles unless the rinse water was so cold the fabric would not relax.

Post# 560027 , Reply# 6   11/28/2011 at 19:58 (4,624 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture

I'm with Tom.  You get more wrinkling from a washer that spins out at 600+ RPM and less from a washer that spins out at 1000+ RPM?  Makes no sense, but do what you got to do...

Post# 560067 , Reply# 7   11/28/2011 at 22:25 (4,624 days old) by toploader1984 ()        

you returned a speed queen because you say it wrinkled clothes too much.... yet the machine you replaced it with has a thousand rpm spin which wrinkles clothes more!??? im lost.

Post# 560079 , Reply# 8   11/29/2011 at 00:07 (4,623 days old) by JETCONE (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture

i'm clutching my pearls too! Good luck with the Frigidiare. I love all my Frigidiares.

Post# 560090 , Reply# 9   11/29/2011 at 02:12 (4,623 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        
more wrinkling from a washer that spins out at 600+ RPM and

That's true.
Our old washing machine that span at 400 rpm left clothes much more creased than the new one that spins at 1200 rpm. And let's not talk about the difference in performance. Things span at 400 rpm were almost dripping wet, those done at 1200 are dry in 20 minutes if put on the line!

This is because (if the machine is correctly engineered) the spin is pulsed and not straight to top speed and at the end of the cycle there is an automatic clothes tumbling that releases most of the creases. If the machine is not, you get all the creases.

Post# 560102 , Reply# 10   11/29/2011 at 07:06 (4,623 days old) by kqkenmore (memphis tn)        

kqkenmore's profile picture

I love my speed queen and in the summer I hang out our clothes and I have not noticed that they were more wrinkled they looked fine. The big diffrence is that they are cleaner than what I was getting in a front loader.

Post# 560115 , Reply# 11   11/29/2011 at 08:36 (4,623 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
Perhaps you were overloading the machine?


Post# 560119 , Reply# 12   11/29/2011 at 08:41 (4,623 days old) by drnls ()        

As noted in a previous post we tried a Bravos TL - of course beside the pitiful effort it called washing clothes they also were more wrinkled. Now I'm not saying the FL doesn't have some wrinkles because it does. We don't hang the clothes outside but inside on a rack. The main problem was the intensity of wrinkling that was present with the SQ. There were some non-wrinkling knit items that had never wrinkled that did with the SQ. I tried all combinations to decrease the wrinkling effect. With jeans if I did the slower spin speed then they were of course wetter and took longer to hang dry. I don't expect everyone to understand but in my home time is of the essence and if something increases the work required to achieve something then that item or process has to be changed. I do appreciate the knowledge, insight and cultural diversity present on this site. Nelson

Post# 560155 , Reply# 13   11/29/2011 at 10:32 (4,623 days old) by MatthewZA (Cape Town, South Africa)        

i agree with yogitunes. i have used a few speed queens, the latest went to its new home yesterday and i never had wrikle and i didnt have spin options. was a single speed 600rpm and i only used the regular cycle. i line dry almost everything and the clotes are less creased and no ironing needed once dried. seems the creases disappear as it dries. and i iron just about nothin at all.

get an older single speed Speed Queen with no spin options and a speed of 600rpm. i found that thats a good spin for quick tumble drying and line drying

Post# 560179 , Reply# 14   11/29/2011 at 12:45 (4,623 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Did you give the clothing a good shake before hanging it on the rack? That alone removes a lot of the wrinkles.

I find that the only clothing that needs to be ironed after being hung out are items made from 100% cotton. Things like polo shirts, t-shirts, dockers, etc. are just fine after line drying.

Post# 560187 , Reply# 15   11/29/2011 at 13:26 (4,623 days old) by Jsneaker ()        
PeterH770's 1955 Frigidaire Condenser

Peter, the photo of you with the 1955 Frigidaire condenser dryer is the exact one we had in our old house! Dad bought it new back then, Mom & Grandma were SOOO happy! The clothes that went into it first were from the stupid Bendix Economat, until the 1957 Whirlpool Imperial came!

Post# 560195 , Reply# 16   11/29/2011 at 14:04 (4,623 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
no rudeness intended.......all one would be asking is to add 10 minutes of time to the cycle or your more than a basic extra rinse and spin so to speak, equal to run the clothes in a dryer for a few minutes and then place on a hanger.......I'm not asking to trade in the automatic for a wringer! have an issue were trying to help you work thru and resolve, by the simplest method

yes, time is of the essence for many, and although we do enjoy working on and playing with our machines.....there are days we want to get it done in a hurry.....thats why I have 6 machines hooked up......if I was single, I would have the whole week, waiting for a load to build to wash.....but reality, 2 homes, 5 autos, 5 dogs, hubby and 8 kids........its a wonder I have any hair left!.....Laundry---2 to 4 loads a day.....not to mention cleaning, dinner, dishes, homework, etc.....I look for anything that lightens my load

Post# 560787 , Reply# 17   12/2/2011 at 07:37 (4,620 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture
My 432 is scheduled for delivery in the morning. Looked at and planned to purchase a 412, and got a quote, but when I went back the next day to purchase they had sold all of their 412's and offered me the 432 for the 412 price. I'm looking forward to smooth washer sailing!


Post# 560800 , Reply# 18   12/2/2011 at 09:14 (4,620 days old) by mtn1584 (USA)        
I'm ok now..............................................

OK I passed out, but I revived myself LOL!!!!!
A. I have AWN 542....I wash my 100% cotton dress shirts on PermPress warm water, and dry them on the line outside.
B. I wash my sheets on Reg. hot water and hang them on the line to dry also.
C. I iron my shirts because I love a crisp dress shirt, and I like to iron, my sheets go right on the bed off the line.
D. How can a machine that spins at 710 RPM cause more wrinkling than a machine that spins at 1000+ RPM?
E. I am a BIG advocate for Speed Queen products. Maybe you overloaded your machine like Malcolm said, or you just didn't like the machine because it wasn't a front loader. You are very lucky that the store took it back. There is nothing wrong with your machine, it worked properly, and it sounds like you just prefer a front loader, you cant' BS a BS!!! LOL
F. Just my two cents, Good luck with your new washer.
G. For the record, I have NEVER had a problem with excessive wrinkling. I LOVE MY WASHER AND HIGHLY RECOMMEND SQ TOP OR FRONT LOADERS TO ANYONE!!!

Post# 560825 , Reply# 19   12/2/2011 at 13:02 (4,620 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
Let us know when your new machine is installed. Post a pic or 2.


Post# 560898 , Reply# 20   12/3/2011 at 01:04 (4,619 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
You bought the best TL washer available today and returned it? Just 5 Minutes in the dryer before hanging could have solved your problem. I've just about fallen out of my chair.

Post# 560923 , Reply# 21   12/3/2011 at 08:27 (4,619 days old) by Pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        
First Wash

pulltostart's profile picture

Castleberry's delivered my AWN432 this morning shortly after 8:30.  Here she is doing her first load of clothes.  Not exactly a 'matched pair' but if all goes well I hope to be able to get the matching dryer about the first of the year.



Post# 560927 , Reply# 22   12/3/2011 at 08:30 (4,619 days old) by Pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        
As if..

pulltostart's profile picture

you've never seen one of these before - a closer view of the controls.  And yes, after this wash, the bright yellow sticker will be removed from the cabinet.


Bethann is disappointed in what was delivered.  She thought we were getting a Corvette.  She thought I said 'Speed Demon', not 'Speed Queen'.



Post# 560930 , Reply# 23   12/3/2011 at 09:21 (4,619 days old) by mtn1584 (USA)        
She's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck with your new washer, and make sure you don't hit her when you open up the door on your Maytag!!! LOL
You will love the dryer also!

Post# 560933 , Reply# 24   12/3/2011 at 09:48 (4,619 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
Christmas came early!

Amazing machines!


Post# 560934 , Reply# 25   12/3/2011 at 09:48 (4,619 days old) by LLMaytag (Southern California)        
Speed Queen awn432

llmaytag's profile picture
Here's my pair...I wish I still had my original Maytag Dependable Care washer, but I'm becoming quite fond of my Speed Queen! I think you'll be very happy with yours, Lawrence.

Post# 560935 , Reply# 26   12/3/2011 at 09:50 (4,619 days old) by LLMaytag (Southern California)        
Speed Queen awn432 tub

llmaytag's profile picture
I thought I'd always prefer a white porcelain tub...but I'm beginning to like the stainless stell tub!

Post# 563245 , Reply# 27   12/14/2011 at 13:06 (4,608 days old) by Jsneaker ()        
Post# 560923, Reply# 21 12/3/2011 at 08:27 by Pulltostart

Lawrence, I would not rush-out to buy a SQ dryer, just because it matches, that is foolish! Go with one of those nice, top-line 27" front-filter, side-swing door Maytag conventional dryers, or a new-style Whirlpool Duet(if you wish to splurge) That one has a SS drum. The older Amana & SQ "twins" were not highly rated in many years.

Post# 563342 , Reply# 28   12/14/2011 at 23:20 (4,607 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Take it from someone that has had hundreds of dryers and has worked on thousands, get the Speed Queen, 2nd best would be any 29" dryers from WP. The 27" WP dryers while OK have never been nearly as good as thier 29" models. The 27" WPs are slower and build up much more lint inside and have far more fires in them. [ if anyone has a WP built 27" dryer be sure to disassemble and clean inside and below the lint filter every year or so]

Post# 563377 , Reply# 29   12/15/2011 at 08:27 (4,607 days old) by runematic (southcentral pa)        
27" dryers

runematic's profile picture
I agree with John on the 27" dryers. When I tear one down to recondition, the dryer is ALWAYS loaded with lint. Not one here or there, but every one. They are decent dryers, but they must be cleaned internally. The nice thing about the 27" is that they used teflon impregnated rollers so no need to oil them ever.

Post# 563386 , Reply# 30   12/15/2011 at 10:10 (4,607 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Speed Queen Dryer

mrb627's profile picture
I do like my SQ Dryer. The only other dryer I have owned that impressed me as much was the Harmony dryer with its dual motor system.


Post# 563427 , Reply# 31   12/15/2011 at 16:13 (4,607 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture

I still plan to buy the matching dryer.  Since the laundry sits exposed in the kitchen (by design, not accidental), it's really important that the two appliances match (IMHO).  So much so that, since the washer panel includes two rotary knobs, a rocker switch, and a timer (and there is a companion dryer with the exact setup), the dryer will have the same composition.



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