Thread Number: 377
1962 GE dishwasher
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Post# 47787   10/25/2004 at 18:59 (7,214 days old) by Mosbytoad ()        

hey there

if this is posted 2x I apologize...I didn't see the first one go through.

I just moved into a new home and bought from the original owners who have all the original appliances in the kitchen from 42 years ago. they are all GE and in good working condition. The dishwasher is top loading and has a dial on it. (I don't have the serial number off hand) but i also have the matching fridge, cooktop, and wall oven. i want to update my kitchen but know it would be a sin not to try to keep all of these pieces intact and find a way to resell them to someone who was interested. can you folks steer me in the right direction about where to look into something like this? thanks!

Post# 47841 , Reply# 1   10/26/2004 at 08:41 (7,213 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Why don't you post a picture of the dishwasher as well as the other appliances and maybe some here might be interested.

Post# 48235 , Reply# 2   10/31/2004 at 08:43 (7,208 days old) by gregm ()        
bad email

I have tried to email you twice asking for pics or more info and your email address has come back to me as "unknown"

Post# 48287 , Reply# 3   10/31/2004 at 21:01 (7,208 days old) by mosbytoad ()        
sorry about the email account

My hotmail account fills up very quickly and I haven't been good about emptying it. My has room now to receive messages.

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