Thread Number: 37841
HELP PLEASE...Siemans error 14...
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Post# 562766   12/12/2011 at 09:50 (4,610 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Does anyone know what an error 14 means on a Siemans WD1630 its doing my crust as it does everything to start with and a few mins into the program it beeps and comes up e14 Have tried cleaning the brushes on the motor the pumps not blocked so what can it be?


Post# 562770 , Reply# 1   12/12/2011 at 10:19 (4,610 days old) by bellaboy ()        
e 14

i think it is the heating element or thermostat fault.

Post# 562809 , Reply# 2   12/12/2011 at 13:42 (4,610 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Thank you ever so for that suggestion I will give it a go its just that I do not understand why it will not spin either it starts then beeps e14...!

Thanks again


Post# 562829 , Reply# 3   12/12/2011 at 15:40 (4,610 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Bellaboy have you any more ideas ....

ozzie908's profile picture
To share with me ?

I tried another heater and checked the thermostat still no joy starts to go then beeps and E14......ARRRGGHHH


Post# 562836 , Reply# 4   12/12/2011 at 16:08 (4,610 days old) by bellaboy ()        

if u have a multimeter u can check the heater or the thermistor , if not u can follow the wires to the main board and check if any thing is burnt. u maby need to take it apart to see under it , see for any dark spots on the main board. if u tried another heater it will not work.if i am not mistaken the thermistor is in the middle or nerby the heater this is giving a ohm or voltage to the main board so it can read the temp in the water. but if u provide me with the e-nr i can find the faulty code list foru

Post# 562840 , Reply# 5   12/12/2011 at 16:31 (4,610 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Thank you ever so much will try and fine it and let you know later !


Post# 562876 , Reply# 6   12/12/2011 at 18:52 (4,610 days old) by piasca (Portugal)        


Sorry to take over this thread, I'm writing to bellaboy.

I need some information about buying some home appliances in Norway. Since you are from Norway and with a passion for appliances if you could give me a contact email to ask you some questions I would be very grateful.


Post# 562979 , Reply# 7   12/13/2011 at 08:24 (4,609 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
He is in demand at present

ozzie908's profile picture
I have the en-r number you mentioned at least I hope its the one !

en-r wd1630GB/01

Type 20052

Serial number 994040333436000802

Thank you ever so much Bellaboy

I do appreciate your help..:)


Post# 563122 , Reply# 8   12/14/2011 at 00:22 (4,608 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Is Bellaboy about?

Post# 563139 , Reply# 9   12/14/2011 at 04:05 (4,608 days old) by bellaboy ()        

i have gone tru the wiring diagram and service modul ant it is the ntc sensor if this is a wsher -dryer it is the one in the dryer u need to replease. i eil send u the error codes

Post# 563141 , Reply# 10   12/14/2011 at 05:02 (4,608 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Your a star !

ozzie908's profile picture
Now one more question can I disconnect the dryer on it as it's not needed?

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