Thread Number: 379
Fisher/Paykel bypass "lid switch"
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Post# 47811   10/25/2004 at 22:45 (7,214 days old) by gregm ()        

I am buying a used F&P washer this week and was wondering if anyone can tell me how to bypass the lid switch feature so the machine will still operate with the lid open ?? -- thanks in advance to anyone who can help :)

Post# 47823 , Reply# 1   10/25/2004 at 23:48 (7,214 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Does it have a locking lid?

Older models do not have a locking lid, and it's easy to trigger the lid switch with a magnet placed on the edge by the lid. That's what I did with my GWL08. Look for a little bump on the right side of the lid and line that up for where to place the magnet.

My IWL12 has a locking lid, and I haven't yet tried by-passing the lock. It is possible, however, to simply remove the lid bumpers, take out the two screws, and raise up the entire top with the lid itself still closed and locked. I've done that with both my IWL12 and DEGX1 (interesting how the DEGX1 opens/closes the drum lid). Be careful of the OOB lever protruding down from the right side of the console, and the water hose connections to the console -- raising the top rotates the OOB lever much closer to the tub and it could trigger or even break off.

Post# 47924 , Reply# 2   10/27/2004 at 15:26 (7,212 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

pulsator's profile picture
Actually, I managed to figure something much easier! My mom has the newer model F&P and all tou need is one of those plastic bands, like the kind that comes with washer lint traps. There the ones you pull through and can be cut off. Anyway, just curve it and push it into the lid switch and you will see a plastic move over it locking the plastic inside, hold it there until it clicks and goes into spin. Then just pull it outletting one slide all the way through and out. Is sounds hard in writing but its quite simple. But don't lock it! The plastic band looks sorta like this:

Post# 47943 , Reply# 3   10/27/2004 at 19:25 (7,212 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Kewl! I will try something like that, with whatever material I can find that would work similarly.

Post# 49989 , Reply# 4   11/27/2004 at 17:10 (7,181 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I found a simple way to trigger the latch is simply to place a thin object, knife or small flat-blade screwdriver through the slot at an angle to depress the latch. Once the solenoid has triggered to lock the latch, it'll stay without being held down. This also works on the dryer.

Post# 50040 , Reply# 5   11/28/2004 at 13:54 (7,180 days old) by super32 (Blackstone Massachusetts)        
Lid lock

super32's profile picture
Dadoes, pulsator.

I found an easy way too. I simply shoved my drivers licence in the slot. It worked! Now i have a card that i got from maytag that they recomend using to remove the door handles on some of their new friges. I use the card more for F&P than i do maytag.

Post# 50041 , Reply# 6   11/28/2004 at 13:54 (7,180 days old) by super32 (Blackstone Massachusetts)        
Lid lock

super32's profile picture
Dadoes, pulsator.

I found an easy way too. I simply shoved my drivers licence in the slot. It worked! Now i have a card that i got from maytag that they recomend using to remove the door handles on some of their new friges. I use the card more for F&P than i do maytag.

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