Thread Number: 37906
Zanussi error E28
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Post# 563695   12/17/2011 at 10:08 (4,692 days old) by jetsystem1200 ()        

Hello all,

My Zanussi FJD1266W is nearing replacement, because of broken bearings/pump, and because of its age. Today it showed up with an error code E28 just before the spin. Can you identify what it is? It uses an Electrolux PCB, if you are interested.

Post# 563946 , Reply# 1   12/18/2011 at 18:10 (4,691 days old) by FL1012 ()        

When you say it's nearing replacement because of the pump, in what way is the pump troublesome? I say this because whilst i can't find a description for E28, the other E20 fault codes i've found ALL relate to the pump/draining.

E21 Difficulties in draining, drain error

Basic drain error, check the drain pump filter is clear and also the drain pump is actually working.

E23 Malfunction of drain pump triac

This refers to the triac that controls the pump function on the main controller.

E24 Sensing circuit of the component (triac) that controls the drain pump faulty

As above.

With this in mind and the fact the fault code displayed just before the spin (when the pump would've also been activated), i would say that it's all pump related. If the electronics are sound & the machine doesn't appear to be falling apart generally, have you not considered getting a quote for a new pump & bearing set? Some of the newer Zanussis don't seem to be lasting very well at all & £350 might get you a machine that'll last all of 3 years. Granted theyre mostly in-line with other makes of modern machine, but the bar hasn't exactly been set very high by rival manufacturers either. Your Zanussi is pretty much the last well-lasting Zanussi range.


Post# 564437 , Reply# 2   12/21/2011 at 02:21 (4,689 days old) by jetsystem1200 ()        

Hi FL1012,
Sorry for the late reply, but I have ordered its replacement, which is coming tomorrow!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO jetsystem1200's LINK

Post# 564494 , Reply# 3   12/21/2011 at 11:53 (4,688 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Nice Machine

Shame the FJD is going, i am rather fond of them, but i can kinda see why you're replacing - once you start spending money on something like that it can be abit of a minefield (electronics going mental after a repair etc).

Like the ZWH7162J. It'll have the new quieter motor on it & they really are VERY quiet, much better than the constant whining that most new Zanussi's suffer from.

Did you not think of ordering from John Lewis? Same price but with 2 year warranty. Unlikely it'll break under 2 years old, but a nice safeguard for no extra cost.


Post# 564496 , Reply# 4   12/21/2011 at 12:10 (4,688 days old) by FL1012 ()        

Now that i've selected to view all Zanussi washers on Appliance Deals i can see they're offering a 2 year warranty on that machine aswell - it only says 1 year on the link you sent - make sure they give you two years - you might have to send something to Zanussi for it.


Post# 564499 , Reply# 5   12/21/2011 at 12:57 (4,688 days old) by jetsystem1200 ()        

The reason I didn't order from John Lewis was because they are not delivering until Boxing Day, and I need a washer since I don't have a collection. My old washer was the last in the FJD series before the ZWC/ZWH/ZWG series, which I am proud of. I will have to persuade my parents to let me keep it, but we don't have any storage space indoors, as we live in a terraced house.

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