Thread Number: 37983
Antonio Merloni Electrolux
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Post# 564675   12/22/2011 at 16:58 (4,687 days old) by nrones ()        


Take a look at the video from the link. An Electrolux-branded Antonio Merloni washing machine, with 4 paddle drum!

In UK, they sell some models made by Little Swan, and this...
Does anyone know why?



Post# 564694 , Reply# 1   12/22/2011 at 18:16 (4,687 days old) by grando ()        

Guess that's because elux doesn't make any 39cm deep model.
and they might find it more profitable to sell cheap rebadged machines than producing their own budget machines

Post# 564765 , Reply# 2   12/23/2011 at 04:16 (4,687 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        

Thats why the Quality of Zanussi/Electrolux is going down.
They aren't even producing them anymore.
Thats a shame, but I presume Merloni are happy making even more money for producing crap.

Post# 564768 , Reply# 3   12/23/2011 at 06:14 (4,687 days old) by nrones ()        
Slim Electrolux

Hello, Electrolux actually does produce it's own slim washing machines. You can see in the link


Post# 564771 , Reply# 4   12/23/2011 at 06:38 (4,687 days old) by FL1012 ()        
In the UK?

Never seen that anywhere in the UK. Any evidence that it's on sale here? :-/

The machine that they sell here which isn't genuine Electrolux is the Zanussi ZWG 1140m, which seemms like a pretty decent machine for what it's worth.

I'd prefer them to keep things in-house & for the most-part they seem to, but the ZWG 1140m could be alot worse.



Post# 564773 , Reply# 5   12/23/2011 at 06:43 (4,687 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Stupid Link.....

Worked a minute ago. Anyway, try again:


Post# 564849 , Reply# 6   12/23/2011 at 14:39 (4,686 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Not Antonio Merloni

haxisfan's profile picture
Hi Dex... I am not sure that machine's got anything to do with Antonio Merlony.

The 4 paddle drum doesn't mean anything... my gran parents 1972 Zerowatt had a 4 paddle drum and it certainly wasn't Anthony's job LOL

I think this is more having to do 'Vestel' who in turns did buy several brands from Merloni... does 'Servis' ring a bell?

Post# 564865 , Reply# 7   12/23/2011 at 15:59 (4,686 days old) by nrones ()        
That is deffinatley Merloni

You can see by the display as well, and the drum is literally identical, aswell as door hinge

Yeah, I just mentioned that this is a second type of Electrolux made by someone else, I dont know if they are sold in UK ;)


Post# 564869 , Reply# 8   12/23/2011 at 16:44 (4,686 days old) by hotpoint9534 (UK)        

Yes, it's definitely Antonio Merloni, I agree.


Post# 564874 , Reply# 9   12/23/2011 at 17:10 (4,686 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
Of all the front loaders I've had/used, the Bendixes and GE combination washer dryers had four paddles and did the best not only in getting clothes most thoroughly washed and rinsed but showed much more intense,vigorosity in tumbling the clothes and much more suds/water splash action on their windows.I would think that,these too have that same turbulance.I never got bord watching either of them.

Post# 564875 , Reply# 10   12/23/2011 at 17:14 (4,686 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Oi... are you ganging up on me?

haxisfan's profile picture
Ok ok ok... LOL

The drum looks Merloni... but the control panel has a typical Electrolux impression!

And the one sold over here (UK) is exactly the same as 'Little Swan'.

It's just different companies having a bit on the side... well... actually Antonio must have eloped with someone :-D

Post# 564914 , Reply# 11   12/23/2011 at 22:08 (4,686 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Sorry nrones....

Thought you were implying that both machines were sold in the UK.

The control panel itself on the Electrolux looks like an Electrolux one, but the digital display isn't a typical Electrolux and the interior of the detergent drawer isn't Electrolux Group's standard style either.

The 4 paddle drum and the filter door is what said Antonio Merloni to me. I think it's probably based on the final series of Servis M-series machines, which incidently wern't too bad for modern machines. My sister had one, as has a guy on here. They seem to last OK for a new machine too (ie over 3 years!).

Still abit dissapointed that a company as big as Electrolux should ever need to outsource though!


Post# 564927 , Reply# 12   12/23/2011 at 22:53 (4,686 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
unfortuanately, I'm unable to see the pics. The computor here in the hospital is very limited. Can't even access youtube.yes, I'm still here. Been here over a month now.

Post# 564966 , Reply# 13   12/24/2011 at 01:26 (4,686 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I thought the Antonio Merloni Group went bankrupt?

Post# 564972 , Reply# 14   12/24/2011 at 01:56 (4,686 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

They partially recovered and are still in busines, they just shredded some of the brands like Asko!

Post# 565000 , Reply# 15   12/24/2011 at 04:33 (4,686 days old) by nrones ()        


in Serbia a representative brand of Antonio Merloni is called ARDO. As far as I know, without a pause they were present on our market.

I think that answer on all of this is that the money makes the world go round, and as far as I could see, there are crisis, and more on the way :/


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