Thread Number: 38106
Miele T8005 Stainless Steel Dryer.
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Post# 566060   12/31/2011 at 06:12 (4,591 days old) by ctyankee ()        

I am always on the lookout for Miele washers and dryers. Almost daily I search the online classifieds such as ebay and craigslist.

Well, just now I found an ad posted by an appliance retailer listing a brand new Miele T8005 stainless steel 24" dryer for $ 800.00 dollars.

That's not a bad price at all for a new Miele dryer right? Doesn't that dryer sell for $ 1,649.00 usually?

Do you guys think this model is any good and also worth that price especially since its new? I also thought that only Miele (corporate) would approve selling new units at such a low price.

Happy New Year!

Post# 566211 , Reply# 1   1/1/2012 at 02:22 (4,590 days old) by qualin (Canada)        
Caveat Emptor!

I would say that something selling for half the new price would be a decent deal, but you are right in saying that Miele does set the pricing on those units and if they're selling it that cheap it makes me wonder if they're using it as a massive loss leader.

If so, that doesn't make any sense.. There has to be a catch...

Post# 566415 , Reply# 2   1/2/2012 at 06:23 (4,589 days old) by ctyankee ()        
Hi qualin

Later today I will call the guy and find out more information. Maybe I will make a low ball offer and see what happens.

My goal is to eventually get a Miele condensing dryer, but these are nice looking machines in stainless steel!

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