Thread Number: 392
Frigidaire 1-18
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Post# 47927   10/27/2004 at 16:16 (7,212 days old) by fixerman ()        

I just aquired a 1-18, model WS. Seems to be in good condition cosmetically. It is gold with a window in the lid. I haven't tried it yet but it came from a remodel job and may well work. If interested send me an email.

Post# 48263 , Reply# 1   10/31/2004 at 16:34 (7,208 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
can you post a pic please ?


Post# 48268 , Reply# 2   10/31/2004 at 18:00 (7,208 days old) by fixerman ()        

Sorry, I don't have a digital camera. Maybe I can get Robert over here to take a pic to post. I will ask him.

Post# 48273 , Reply# 3   10/31/2004 at 19:08 (7,208 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
dont go to any trouble

I was just wanting to see the machine. Dont think I could come pick it up.

Post# 48290 , Reply# 4   10/31/2004 at 21:37 (7,208 days old) by fixerman ()        

It is a run of the mill machine. Nothing special. I have plugged it in and put it on spin. Seems to spin too slow. Haven't hooked it up to the water or tried agitate (pulsate). It has a bit of rust on the cabinet bottom leading me to believe it may leak but don't know for sure.

Post# 48293 , Reply# 5   10/31/2004 at 22:15 (7,208 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Greg, it will be my pleasure to come and take a few pictures for the club. I'll be super busy the next couple of days, but I'll try and come up mid week.

Post# 48297 , Reply# 6   10/31/2004 at 22:32 (7,208 days old) by fixerman ()        

Thanks Robert. No hurry. Call when you find time.

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