Hey, Great to find this web site! I have a couple of items I hope you can help identify. First is a Bendix washer. It is top loading, 2 dials on the front, model number says WEA. has "automatic" on the top door that opens, and "bendix home appliances" under the name. Has a almost rubber flexible tub. The other is a bendix automatic ironer. Model says it is a JCD. I could provide pictures later on if needed to help identify the year, value, etc. Thanks for any help.
Post# 48015 , Reply# 1   10/28/2004 at 14:20 (7,386 days old) by Partscounterman(Cortez, Colorado)  
Your washer is a bendix economat, which, rather than spinning the clothes, would suction all the air and water out of the tub. the tub would then collapse and squeeze the water out of the clothes. You can read all about this in one of the consumer articles posted here. Very Kewl!
Post# 48020 , Reply# 2   10/28/2004 at 15:33 (7,386 days old) by Gyrafoam(Wytheville, VA)  
Now you have a RARE one!!! Does yours have the manual water feed or is it the type to hook up to water lines for automatic fill? I remember the water bubbling up out of the center-post of the agitator. Does it still work? Most of them did not survive---I think the last one I saw was in the late 50's! I don't think the housewives of the day cared for them very much as I recall them wringing out the clothes by hand after removing them from the machine! Nonetheless--I hope you enjoy them! -Steve
Not sure if either one works to be honest, am going to have to see. The washer does hook up to water line, it has been kept indoors and has some rust and the left side knob is broke off, but the tub and agitator are in great shape. I inherited both of these and have had in basement for years. I would be willing to sell either or both to someone to appreciate them. Let me know if interested.