Thread Number: 40302
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Post# 596595   5/15/2012 at 04:38 (4,455 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Anyone remember these I think from the late 70's ?

I can only just recall seeing one and it reminded me of an old Ariston.


Post# 596622 , Reply# 1   5/15/2012 at 07:47 (4,455 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Caravelle ?

combo52's profile picture

I remember the Plymouth Caravelle from the mid 1980s, but this is probably the wrong forum.

Post# 596642 , Reply# 2   5/15/2012 at 09:18 (4,455 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Would that be a car ?


Post# 596667 , Reply# 3   5/15/2012 at 11:02 (4,455 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture

Here you are Austin.

Used as a house brand from what i gather....

Merloni machines very similar to the Servis Rainwave of later years. I have the Frigidaire variant.

Post# 596669 , Reply# 4   5/15/2012 at 11:05 (4,455 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Which then morphed into this model with a revised fasica.

Although there is every possibility I have my facts wrong LOL and the Caravell is a low spin Zanussi machine although both have similarities...

Post# 596691 , Reply# 5   5/15/2012 at 13:48 (4,455 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        
Oh WOW!!!

paulc's profile picture
I knew two people who had Carvell machines bought from Kays. I always thought they were nice looking machines, didn't know they were sold as Frigidaire as well.......and Rob you kept that one quiet!!

I don't think they were Zanussi in origin though. The drum's and porthole don't really match Zanussi's of the least the Carvell machines didn't.

Rob, if it is not too much trouble would it be possible to see a pic of your machine? I know it is cheeky of me as i don't post many pic's but would be lovely to see.

Paul C

Post# 596787 , Reply# 6   5/16/2012 at 04:53 (4,454 days old) by hotpoint9534 (UK)        

As far as I know through looking at the spare parts situation, these are Antonio Merloni machines. They have parts in common with early Servis Gem and A. Merloni built Bendix machines.

The timer sequence on the Frigidaire is very similar to certain Washcraft series Zanussi machines. There's every chance that A. Merloni took one of Zanussi's timer cam barrels and copied it, after all many machines used the same basic AKO/Crouzet timer with just the timer cams and contacts changing!

Hope that helps.


Post# 596885 , Reply# 7   5/16/2012 at 15:02 (4,454 days old) by matchboxpaul (U.K)        

My first encounter with the weird world of Caravell was in Norweb, Blackburn circa 1981/82.

That model was the first version, in the form of the DL500.
If you want to see one in action, click on the link and scroll through to circa 4m 46s...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO matchboxpaul's LINK

Post# 596886 , Reply# 8   5/16/2012 at 15:04 (4,454 days old) by matchboxpaul (U.K)        

DL500 was replaced with DL501...

Post# 596887 , Reply# 9   5/16/2012 at 15:05 (4,454 days old) by matchboxpaul (U.K)        

The only other Caravell I know of is the spin dryer shown below.

If anyone knows of any other Caravell models, I would be really intersetdd to know about them....

Post# 596888 , Reply# 10   5/16/2012 at 15:07 (4,454 days old) by matchboxpaul (U.K)        

Other pics of the Frigidaire WM510, which I think probably was the replacement for the Caravell modesls sold in the UK, from which it is obviously derived...

Post# 597079 , Reply# 11   5/17/2012 at 13:21 (4,453 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
The Frigidaire washing machine shown in the pictures in this thread was sold as Hollandia in the Netherlands. IIRC these were made by Gorenje. Perhaps somebody knows more about this?

Post# 597085 , Reply# 12   5/17/2012 at 13:42 (4,453 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Sure looks like an early Ariston too !


Post# 597086 , Reply# 13   5/17/2012 at 13:44 (4,453 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Its wonderful

ozzie908's profile picture
How so many remember them as I recall they were not exactly best sellers :)


Post# 597093 , Reply# 14   5/17/2012 at 14:25 (4,453 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Best Sellers...

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Austin, they where also badged for Trident under the "Sovereign" brand, these sold really well, cheaper in house line, the fascia was a mid brown and matt like the servis 308 range!!

I remember the suspension was struts like the Phillips and springs fro the top...very quiet induction motors...

Post# 597104 , Reply# 15   5/17/2012 at 16:22 (4,453 days old) by optima (Cumbria England)        

optima's profile picture
Love it when they say the water extraction is good. I bet most people did not have a clue what the rpm bit meant up until they took their washing out of the machine very very wet!

Post# 1197817 , Reply# 16   1/24/2024 at 04:21 (184 days old) by jace69 (London)        
Caravelle Spin Dryer.

Hi my name is Jason.

I have a Caravelle Spin Dryer but cant see anything regarding spin speed.
I can just about make out the serial number 0522757.
Anyone know where I should look? I know that it's at least 30yrs old maybe more.

Many Thanks for any guidance.

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Post# 1197819 , Reply# 17   1/24/2024 at 05:39 (184 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Hello if you look through this thread there is an advert for your spin dryer and its got a 2,800 rpm spin.

Post# 1200417 , Reply# 18   2/28/2024 at 10:26 by jace69 (London)        
Caravell Spin Dryer


Thanks for your help but my spin dryer must be a 1450rpm.
It seems there were 2 speeds, a 14 and a 28.
If I compare my specs tag against this 1450 one on Ebay for £85.00 eBay item number:296130921364
I can just make out 1450rpm. I wonder if the 1450 was cheaper.

The pics attached are the one currently on Ebay as at 28/02/2024

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Post# 1200422 , Reply# 19   2/28/2024 at 11:54 by electronic9310 (Germany)        

This spin dryer was made by EBD. Some people think that EBD manufactured washing machines as well but didn‘t. It was all merloni. But the spin dryer is an original EBD

Post# 1200425 , Reply# 20   2/28/2024 at 12:23 by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I guess you mean this one.

The 1450 rpm models were cheaper indeed. The 2800 rpm models had a bigger motor.

Post# 1200481 , Reply# 21   2/29/2024 at 06:52 by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
1450 rpm spin dryer

ozzie908's profile picture
The only one I knew of was the Bendix from the 70-80's most other spinners here were 2,800 rpm only Hotpoint made a faster spinner at 3,100 rpm

Just out of curiosity were Caravelle a store brand?

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