Thread Number: 406
James dishwasher POD
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Post# 48112   10/29/2004 at 15:03 (7,339 days old) by SteveD (Guilderland, New York)        

I noticed at the bottom of the POD "ask about our protable garbage disposers...". Although I never saw one of these, my parents had friends who had a portable GE disposall that was kinda cool, but not that great. We had the luxury of the "GE Employees' Store" here in Schenectady, with all the newest things

Post# 48140 , Reply# 1   10/29/2004 at 20:34 (7,339 days old) by Partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
portable disposer/18' dw

I remember seeing a portable disposal at the GE dealer in @1973 (Winklers Appliances-Arcade St, St Paul MN-long gone) It seemed to be kinda dusty, like it had been around for a while and no one took interest.
I am going this weekend to help a friend install an 18" DW in her house. Sure wish it was a James. She wanted the GE model with the stainless tub, but that would have to be ordered in. So she got one of those dreadful frigidaires cuz thats what bLowes had in stock. Here on Maui, you can't be fussy-you buy what is available.
You don't suppose that the reason D&M developed their 18" dishwasher was for all the former James owners that had an 18" hole in their kitchen?

Post# 48144 , Reply# 2   10/29/2004 at 21:18 (7,339 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        
Portable garbage disposer?

veg-o-matic's profile picture
Never heard of a portable garbage disposer. How did it work?

Post# 48145 , Reply# 3   10/29/2004 at 21:21 (7,339 days old) by Partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

You set it in the corner of your sink, I supposed you ran water through it (I'm guessing here) and the wretched sludge came out the bottom-ground up fine enough to rinse it down the sink. Its all kinda' disgusting when you think about it.

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