Thread Number: 407
DD or BD?
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Post# 48122   10/29/2004 at 17:59 (7,210 days old) by Compwhiz ()        

Imo, DD's pwn , Bd's wear a hole in the motor bearing

Post# 48126 , Reply# 1   10/29/2004 at 18:16 (7,210 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Will you please speak in language we can understand?? I don't know a word you're saying...

Post# 48127 , Reply# 2   10/29/2004 at 18:22 (7,210 days old) by fixerman ()        

Doncha know dem holes in the motor bearing are jes no good.

Post# 48137 , Reply# 3   10/29/2004 at 20:04 (7,210 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
I've been around Kenmores for about 20 years,and have never changed a motor that had a hole in the bearing,whatever that is....


Post# 48161 , Reply# 4   10/30/2004 at 01:07 (7,210 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
whats his gibberish about??

Post# 48163 , Reply# 5   10/30/2004 at 03:20 (7,210 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
KM motor

Darned motor in my '78 KM is almost the ONLY thing that hasn't failed yet, a testament to thier longevity.

Post# 48169 , Reply# 6   10/30/2004 at 04:01 (7,210 days old) by fixerman ()        

Kenmore1978, Guess it hasen't gotten enough use to wear that darned hole in it, but just you wait it will appear soon. Be on the lookout.

Post# 48183 , Reply# 7   10/30/2004 at 14:03 (7,209 days old) by Compwhiz ()        
Oh sorry

Dierect drive or belt drive

In my opinion Direct drives Are better than Belt drive, Our old washer motor had a wear hole from the belt pulling on it

Post# 48201 , Reply# 8   10/30/2004 at 17:39 (7,209 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
If the belt wore a hole in the motor,something was way out of whack!


Post# 48202 , Reply# 9   10/30/2004 at 17:43 (7,209 days old) by rickr (.)        
durn belt two tite (:

rickr's profile picture
I would say the belt was tensioned too much,and the worn bearing is the result.

Post# 48206 , Reply# 10   10/30/2004 at 18:21 (7,209 days old) by fixerman ()        

Because the motor or belt broke on a BD doesn't make it better or worse than a DD. It's hard to compare them on an equal basis because the BD would typically have more miles on it. Many times the reason for failures of this type are owner abuse, usually overloading or like rikr said incorrectly tensioning the belt. Personally I prefer the BD.

Post# 48237 , Reply# 11   10/31/2004 at 09:07 (7,208 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
last few original parts in '78 LK

Well, the motor won't be getting the hole in the bearing anytime soon, since the machine is down for the foreseeable future until I can figure out why it bends the spin plunger when it applies the tub brake. I suspect it needs the centerpost bearings (another of the few original parts still on the machine) since it was VERY noisy when spinning, making knocking noises. Would this somehow affect the brake engagement? The cam bars are well lubricated. Any ideas?

Oddly, the motor failed in my '72 LK portable and it had a LOT less use than the '78. And oddly enough, it has the same 1/2 HP motor as the full-size machine.

Post# 48349 , Reply# 12   11/1/2004 at 18:17 (7,207 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        
DD vs BD

Are the strokes of DD washers always shorter and faster than the belt drives?

I hate the short strokes and assumed they started making washers with the short agitator strokes when they went to direct drive.

Are there any direct drive washers with agitators with the "vintage" standard, long, slower strokes? I really miss them.

Post# 48351 , Reply# 13   11/1/2004 at 18:32 (7,207 days old) by westytoploader ()        

I HATE Direct-Drive! Why Whirlpool went from solid, powerful belt-drive machines to these boring lightweights is beyond me. On the plus side, they are somewhat reliable and much easier to service.

I used a 1998 Kenmore 80 Series DD machine until last week, when I moved it to the back room and put the 2003 Maytag Dependable Care back in service (still a short stroke, but slower and much more entertaining with the Power-Fin agitator). The Dual-Action agitator makes DD machines much more boring, I used a DD Surgilator on the Kenmore for a while and it was actually quite fun. When I get my "washer shed" finished the Kenmore will be used down there with older machines; it has been very reliable with no problems yet.

KitchenAid has a turquoise Dual-Action agitator with a wider base, and a 3 speed motor. If I am correct, high speed is only used for draining and spinning, and "high speed agitation" is really the medium speed, so it has a slower stroke than Whirlpool or Kenmore on high. No WP/KM DD machine has a slow stroke period. I wish they did, but that's not going to happen.


Post# 48360 , Reply# 14   11/1/2004 at 19:34 (7,207 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
"On the plus side, they are somewhat reliable and much easier to service. "

Answered your own question,Austin!


Post# 48376 , Reply# 15   11/2/2004 at 09:32 (7,206 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
This thread needs a hole in it, or at least moved to the Deluxe side...

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