Thread Number: 409
Maytag AVACADO Wringer
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Post# 48184   10/30/2004 at 15:24 (7,209 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

pulsator's profile picture
Wow! I have never seen a Maytag Wringer in any color but white! It looks better white though in my opinion, but I could just not be used to a avacado Wringer. Looks to be a 70's or 80's Wringer. Works great and not a scratch on it! It is perfect! Model is E2L.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Pulsator's LINK on eBay

Post# 48191 , Reply# 1   10/30/2004 at 16:00 (7,209 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        
e2l green

bpetersxx's profile picture
The Maytag Wringers experts can answer this.

Does the E2L wringer washer have a pump on it

The green ebay wringer has a pump on it

Post# 48193 , Reply# 2   10/30/2004 at 16:07 (7,209 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

That is different! I never saw one either--maybe a custom order? (Laundress might know). I have also noticed what seems like a pattern of really well kept Maytag Wringers comming out of the Chicago metro area. Where are the "Highlanders!". -Steve

Post# 48194 , Reply# 3   10/30/2004 at 16:08 (7,209 days old) by fixerman ()        

I don't recall ever seeing an avacado wringer either. That machine must be one from the late 70's or early eighties because the wringer release is blue rather than red like most of the earlier ones. Also avacado, if the machine hasen't been repainted, is a color used mostly from the 60's to early eighties.

Post# 48196 , Reply# 4   10/30/2004 at 17:03 (7,209 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Pump-(and more)

Generally speaking, (and I am 90+%) sure, if it were a pump model, the model designation would be ELP2.

That looks like factory paint, so I deeply doubt if it is 50s. However, I don't see the "deadman" rubber pedal/hose, which late models have for the wringer safety.

I think that this seller has pixies in his/her pea patch by asking for $395.00.

If I had the room, felt like visiting the area (I like Chicago, but can't get away) and frankly, the spare cash, I'd email the seller privately, and offer $100-175.


Post# 48197 , Reply# 5   10/30/2004 at 17:11 (7,209 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        

Maytag wringers in the 20s-30s were often (but not always) green. More of a leaf green than avocado green.

If you're interested in Maytag wringers, here's a useful link:


(Link should go to


Post# 48200 , Reply# 6   10/30/2004 at 17:35 (7,209 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Yes, this Maytag is a pump model ... E2LP. Those avacado models were just before the dreaded safety pedal, which appeared in 1968-1969. Not sure how long they made this color, but it has always reminded me of a "military-looking" type machine!! I wonder if they made these with the safety pedal? I removed the pedals from the two I have from 1982 and 1983 and replaced the spot on the right angle drive with a 1/2" bolt. Works well ... no more pedal!!

I had an avacado one that was not a pump model (E2L)and just did not like the looks of it. It just didn't "fit", you know what I mean? I was able to sell it rather quickly, however.

Does everybody know what the "alphabet soup" is for the models? E = Model; 2 = after World War II; L = Electric (M=Multi Motor); and P = Pump. Prior to WWII = ELP, no 2.

Post# 48217 , Reply# 7   10/31/2004 at 01:31 (7,208 days old) by scott55405 ()        

..and "S" seen on later models (as in E2LPS) I think means "safety", a model that comes with the pedal (which I actually don't think is a half bad idea). The Sears Visimatic type wringer is probably safer than this style, with the open top. This is the first I learned what the "2" stands for though, that's interesting!

I sometimes wish it was easier to date these machines. They used the same model numbers for so long. I do know the red knob and wringer release models are older than the blue, and I think the aluminum and red agitators are oldest, then black, then blue. Older models have a black ungrounded cord, while newer ones have a grey, grounded one. The pedals of course are the last of them. I also think the square model "J" was discontinued earlier than the other two. Does that sound right?

I thought having the pump optional was kind of silly, particluarly on the top of the line "E" models. From what I can see most all the other major manufacturers included it on all models. It's surprising how many you see though without a pump, even though I think it was only $5 or $10 more.

I expect the avacado green color probably ran concurrently with avacado on their other appliances. Many sellers, particularly if they're not knowledgeable about washers, automatically assume a wringer washer is from the 1950s because that's when they remember seeing them growing up. I believe Greg told me the Maytag wringers were offered in the same colors as automatics, though this is the first avacado one I've actually seen a picture of. It's kind of weird and cool, all at once. I've seen several pink ones, which I think is really cool, and I have a pink Sears one.

Post# 48233 , Reply# 8   10/31/2004 at 07:59 (7,208 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Scott ... ooops, you're right! S=Safety Pedal! Actually, the safety pedal comes in really handy when wringing large items. You just lift your foot and the rollers stop and then you can manipulate the load for easier wringing. It is awkward, however, to "kick" the pedal under the rinse tubs and get it set just right for the next batch. The pedal also had a tendency to get brittle. Remember the 1983 Model N I have? Well, I was going to leave the pedal on and when I pressed on it the first time it "blew" out at the seams!! I have a couple that I've kept, so the machine can actually be restored back to original condition, but I'm not sure how to keep them from getting too brittle.

I think the pump option was another marketing tool. If you take the gooseneck off the hose, the hose flows "straight" out and can be messy when trying to use a floor drain. The hose end on the non-pump models, was more like a faucet - it pointed directly to the floor drain, minimizing spillage. The pump option was $10 - buying one now - well ... about $100!! Geez!!

I've seen the Visimatic and the wringer looks cool! You can see everything going through (and possibly back up over the rollers). On the Maytags, you either have to look or place a hand behind the wringer to make sure nothing is going back up over the top roller. Maytag always said ... start the item folded (or in the center) so it can expand as it is going through the rollers.

I've only seen the pink and avacado models. I'm not sure if there was a harvest gold or a coppertone model. Does anyone know?

I think I have a Word document that lists the dates of Maytag wringers from the 1950's forward. It is not done by just the serial number; it needs the two letters that are part of the serial number. I'll dig through my files and see if I can find it. Do you want a copy of it?

Post# 48239 , Reply# 9   10/31/2004 at 09:33 (7,208 days old) by scott55405 ()        

Thank you, I would love to have a copy of that if you come across it!

I think I did see a picture of a harvest gold one once, but I don't remember when or where.

As a relatively inexperienced wringer user, I found the Visimatic wringer to be very good for just that reason. You can see everything that's going on, and you can stop, reverse, and etc as needed if things start wrapping around or otherwise get out of hand.

I do like the Maytag ones as well however, I think they look and sound cool. Another thing I've found interesting is finding an E model wringer (sometimes even without a pump) paired with a top-flight 806 dryer.

I see what you mean about the floor drain. It would never occur to me to drain the washer that way, but that could either be necessary for some, or desirable if they wanted to change wash water without having to drain one of the rinse tubs to make way for the old wash water.

Post# 48248 , Reply# 10   10/31/2004 at 12:58 (7,208 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Wringer washers and dryers

For a while, the pairing of a wringer washer and a dryer was fairly common, and was billed, especially by Lovell Wringers, as the fastest way to accompish laundry, which, I suppose is true.
After all, a wringer washer does not have a fixed 35-90 minute cycle.

When Mother went back to teaching, she and Dad bought our first automatic, a Whirlpool Imperial.We kept the wringer, but Mother never used it after the Whirlpool came.

I used our Maytag E2L a while in the late 70's, and it still worked well, and cleaned great, but the process was cumbersome compared to using an automatic, and the water handling was a pain--having to monitor the tub fill and temperature, instead of loading the machine and walking away.

We did have a floor drain in the basement, and it was my "job" to lower the hose from the hook, watch the water finish draining, and replace the hose on the hook.

A wringer was a huge advance over a washboard or a hand cranked machine, but I wouldn't willingly go back to one!


Post# 48282 , Reply# 11   10/31/2004 at 20:34 (7,208 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Scott ... I'll keep my eye open in my files. I think I still have it.

Lawrence ... I LOVE using my Maytag wringer over the weekends; when I have time. It DOES take time to use, but produces great, quick results. I can wash 4 loads and do a deep "power" rinse in a little over an hour. I don't use them, however, for my dress clothes for work. The wrinkles can be "nasty".

My clothes are not very dirty, as I work in an office, so the wash water stays clean for a few loads.

Post# 48345 , Reply# 12   11/1/2004 at 18:12 (7,207 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        
Square tub vs. round tub

I always wondered, why a square tub? I've never been able to play with a square tub wringer washer, only the round tubs, but I always thought that the clothes could sort of "hide" in the cornersfrom the agitator in the center of the but and not get as clean. Any ideas?

Post# 48346 , Reply# 13   11/1/2004 at 18:12 (7,207 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        
Square tub vs. round tub

I always wondered, why a square tub? I've never been able to play with a square tub wringer washer, only the round tubs, but I always thought that the clothes could sort of "hide" in the corners from the agitator in the center of the tub and not get as clean. Any ideas?

Post# 48362 , Reply# 14   11/1/2004 at 19:47 (7,207 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
Square Tubs & Wringer vs. Spinner

gansky1's profile picture
I have a square tub Maytag wringer and have been amazed at the surging water currents around that tub - there are no lazy spots for sure!

In the late 30's, Consumer Reports rated clothes washers and repeatedly condemned the wringer machines as being dangerous and primitive "now that the spinner washer has been perfected" and recommended that anyone considering a washer purchase give first consideration to the spinner/extraction models vs. the wringers. It's funny that even with only slight improvements in wringer safety features, the wringer design outlasted and outsold the spinner washers by a huge margin!

Post# 48363 , Reply# 15   11/1/2004 at 19:48 (7,207 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
Avocado in Iowa

gansky1's profile picture
There is an avocado wringer exactly as seen on Ebay at that store in Early, Iowa. I inquired about buying it but was told it wasn't for sale. There were also a couple of pink machines (same model) there, but in horrible condition.

Post# 48387 , Reply# 16   11/2/2004 at 14:02 (7,206 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Round vs. Square ... Like Greg said, there are no "lazy spots" in the Maytag E (or J, for that matter). The square corners are "rounded" and the entire tub is conical in shape. The water currents get to every inch of the washing surface. Very efficient.

Even the older models from the late 1920's/1930's were very efficient with "rounded" square corners. That was one of Maytag's selling points.

Greg ... yes, that is funny about Consumer Reports. Do you suppose the spinner-type washers (ABC, Easy) were a lot more expensive than the wringer-type? Maytag's Model E sold for about $190 to $210 for a number of years (advertising I've seen from the late 1940's/early 1950's). THAT was pretty expensive back then ... hmmmm??


Post# 48399 , Reply# 17   11/2/2004 at 17:28 (7,206 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Hi Geoff! There is no doubt that any washer purchase would have been quite an investment for many families, that Maytag model "E" priced at $200 in 1950 would be about $1500.00 in today's dollars! An automatic washer and dryer or combination costing $500 in 1956 would be like spending $3300 today.

And to think people complain about the price of appliances being so high! "I spent nearly four hundred dollars for this washer and it didn't last 5 years! I thought GE was a good brand..."


Post# 48455 , Reply# 18   11/3/2004 at 09:12 (7,205 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Hi Greg ... That's a cool website!! Thanks for posting that!!

I figure that we are doing so much better than our parents and grandparents did. I still don't know how my parents were able to raise 3 boys with my mom staying home and on my dad's salary as a high school teacher. I don't ever remember "wanting" for anything ... we were well fed and clothed, had toys to play with, and my mom was able to have a set of Maytag automatics! Life was good - at least that's how I perceived it!!

I just used the website you posted to see what the Maytag E would have cost in today's dollars ... it sold for about $500 when they stopped making them in 1983 and today, it would sell for about $905!! Almost as much as the Neptune. And the Model N, which sold for about $450 in 1983, would cost $724 today. I can see why they stopped making them.

The cool thing about Maytag's wringers was the parts and everything were manufactured here in America. I don't believe there is a single foreign part on those machines. They had all the equipment and manpower to manufacture the agitators, hoses, belts ... the porcelain tubs were sprayed and baked right at the factory ... the aluminum tubs were formed and spun at the factory, too. I don't know about the bolts and screws ... the motors were made by GE for a number of years. Isn't it interesting that something made in America had to go away, because it was getting too expensive to produce??!!

Because they were American made, there was a sense of quality and pride taken in it. In it's heyday, Maytag must have been a great company to work for ... I don't know what it's like today.

Make it a great day everyone ...


Post# 48793 , Reply# 19   11/7/2004 at 21:49 (7,201 days old) by fixit ()        
A page with Maytag wringer models and serial numbers

Hi Guys,

Man, I'm learning a lot here! I have a pdf page you can download, scanned from an old Maytag service manual, that derives wringer model numbers from their serial numbers. Pretty handy, I use it a lot. You're welcome to grab a copy. The link's included below.

Thanks for all the information on these great old Maytag wringers! - Dave

Jn 3:3


Post# 48809 , Reply# 20   11/8/2004 at 03:07 (7,200 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture

Our parents/grandparents "managed" because most learned not to want what they had not got. Besides the mortage,there was little debt and you lived within your means.

Lots of housewives learned how to make great meals like pot roast which didn't require expensive cuts of meat, but still put a meat and two vegs on the table for dinner.

Also think employment was "different" then. Most companies/businesses weren't huge gobal behemonths, and your boss likely not only knew who you were,but your family as well. If one worked hard and was good at their job,it usually was noticed and rewarded, especailly if you were a "family man".

Today, well .....


Post# 48814 , Reply# 21   11/8/2004 at 08:04 (7,200 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Launderess ... Well put!!

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