Thread Number: 416
A demonstration
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Post# 48258   10/31/2004 at 15:27 (7,308 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

The ad shown in the POD of this machine gave me an idea. I thought I would do a little demonstration of my own. This demonstration wont be certified by The Nationwide Consumer Testing Institute, But you can judge for yourselves. This demonstration will recreate (hopefully) the powerful cleaning ability of The Sears Lady Kenmore Automatic Dishwasher with Hygienic Rinse. I made a triple batch of Spinach Dip for a halloween party last night. I did not scrape the bowl out with a spatula and I put it in the sink to dry overnight. YUCKY !! Here is the mixing bowl:

Post# 48260 , Reply# 1   10/31/2004 at 15:33 (7,308 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

The Lady is Loaded and ready to be locked ! I wll post the results soon. Will there be spinach gunk sprayed and dried on all the other dishes? I hope not! Of course with that last super hot rinse selected, the dishwasher has that one last chance to disintegrate the spinach. LETS HOPE SO!

Post# 48262 , Reply# 2   10/31/2004 at 16:02 (7,308 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
First wash drain

The water was GREEN. Hopefully my dishes wont be! I will post a pic of the last rinse water drain. It should be running clear by then. I will clean the sink out before the final rinse.

Post# 48266 , Reply# 3   10/31/2004 at 16:59 (7,308 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
The DRAMA of the DRAIN

ITS HERE! The final rinse drain! Will the sink be clear ? First, here is a fun photo of the drain drama!

Post# 48267 , Reply# 4   10/31/2004 at 17:04 (7,308 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
The sink is Clear !!!!

The sink is clear! waiting on the drying cycle to complete. Hope there wont be baked on spinach!!!

Post# 48270 , Reply# 5   10/31/2004 at 18:35 (7,308 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
The final LOOK !

I am very impressed! I was really kind of afraid there would be bits of spinach here and there. The little Lady did a fine job! Now I have to start working on cleaning her up and making a template and getting a plexiglass window made. Then I'll try and borrow a video camera. We can watch that spinach flying around in the first wash and see that Roto-rack whirling!!! OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY !!!

Post# 48271 , Reply# 6   10/31/2004 at 18:47 (7,308 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
job well done! Is that a custom hardwood top on your DW?

Post# 48272 , Reply# 7   10/31/2004 at 19:05 (7,308 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
custom top

I am not really sure. I bought this Lady at a garage sale for $5. I am assuming it is the original top. At there was listed two tops for this machine. a walnut top and a maple. I am assuming that mine is the walnut since it is dark. I am going to get it refinished sometime.

Post# 48274 , Reply# 8   10/31/2004 at 19:18 (7,308 days old) by kenwashesmonday (Carlstadt, NJ)        

Three things to try:
Mustard, eggs, rice.

Ken D.

PS: Nice dishwasher!

Post# 48288 , Reply# 9   10/31/2004 at 21:22 (7,308 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
A demonstration

peteski50's profile picture
Real nice DW - I always liked those machines. I love the The DRAMA of the DRAIN. I wish their was a window on the dishwasher. It would make some dvd experience.
Best of Luck with the gem

Post# 48294 , Reply# 10   10/31/2004 at 22:17 (7,307 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
YAY for Roto-Racks Tom! Thanks for the great demo.

Post# 48315 , Reply# 11   11/1/2004 at 05:04 (7,307 days old) by drmitch ()        

Im sold,I`ll Take one! Just put it on my Automaticwasher card. Great pics!

Post# 48332 , Reply# 12   11/1/2004 at 13:22 (7,307 days old) by lightedcontrols ()        

WHAT A GREAT MACHINE!!! I have my Grandmother's that I can't wait to get going again. I remember using that dishwasher when I was in Jr. Hi. I don't recall EVER getting a dirty dish out of it....and no sand on the glassware! Mark

Post# 48334 , Reply# 13   11/1/2004 at 15:17 (7,307 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Grandmother's machine.

Hey Mark, you would not by chance have the user manual for the machine would you? I would be more than happy to pay for any copying charges/mailing charges. I would love to read the users manual. Thanks. let me know.

Post# 48357 , Reply# 14   11/1/2004 at 19:19 (7,307 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Tom, you make me so homesick for our rotoracks. :-( I NEVER had an issue with scrabled eggs, rice, pasta, or similar starchy foods. I had a friend of the family put mashed potatoes in hers and they'd sit for a day sometimes. This was in 1970. A few loading suggestions form the pics. make sure you have similar weighted objects opposite of each other in the top rack so that it's weight is pretty evenly distributed for rotating ease. I used to put rubbermade spatulas and knives like those right throught the center of the top rack so that the centrifical force wouldn't send one of those objects out the side. The force would "lock" it inside those 4 support things that make the "crown" that's arround the arm that hangs down from what travels along the track on the top of the machine. And did you know the top rack is height adjustable? Bob

Post# 48361 , Reply# 15   11/1/2004 at 19:39 (7,307 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Off-balance Roto-rack.

I kind of like the Roto-rack a little off balance. It makes the little Lady wiggle in the kitchen. Looks like she is working hard on those dishes. LOL. The spatula and knife I put up there, I made sure they would not slide. one end was wedged between two other things. I did learn not to load the roto-rack like a filing system. the dish in front of the next dish does not let the spray hit the one behind it. I kind of took loading technique from the picture in the ad and tried that. worked well. Oh how I would love to read a users manual. LOL. It will come one day..........

Post# 48364 , Reply# 16   11/1/2004 at 19:50 (7,307 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Thanks for the "in home demonstration" pics! That machine did a great job! I should perform the same test with my GE Mobile Maid ;-)

Post# 48368 , Reply# 17   11/1/2004 at 20:58 (7,307 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
YES !!!!! DO IT !!!!!!!

I love pics !!!

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