Thread Number: 417
Suds Lock?
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Post# 48264   10/31/2004 at 16:37 (7,261 days old) by cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
Okay, I've heard the term suds-lock used with the Frigidaires, what exactly is this phenomenon?

Post# 48265 , Reply# 1   10/31/2004 at 16:47 (7,261 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Frigidaire, huh? Never heard anybody complain about Frigidaires suds-locking...

More like Kenmore, Whirlpool, and (Filter-Flo) GE. Let me try to explain: Suds-lock is a phenomenon where, if too much detergent is added, thick, heavy suds that won't drain off accumulate in the outer tub, slowing down the spin and making a big soapy mess inside the washer. Fabric softener or a long, strong spray rinse usually makes this disappear. I've noticed it usually happens with machines that spin-drain, but BD WP/KM machines did this as well on a few occasions, and they drained neutrally. I've also had this happen with my DD Kenmore.


Post# 48281 , Reply# 2   10/31/2004 at 20:31 (7,261 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

See Thread #354 (Super) Post#48208. My Frigidaire 1-18 loves to suds-lock. And as I stated in the above post I am old enough to remember when nearly all detergents and all soaps were extremely high sudsing--and back then even the solid-tubs got their share of suds-lock. It was a very common back in the day to see a billow of suds escaping out from under the lid of some top-loader straining to do its job without locking up. (And lets not forget the good old American train of thought "more is better"!) The front loaders got choked up early in the cycle and then just vomited theirs out into the the floor to protest who ever tried to choke them! -Steve

Post# 48286 , Reply# 3   10/31/2004 at 20:57 (7,261 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        
Sci-Fi-horror movie-with suds lock

Remember watching a movie "Ghost In the Machine"where a washer killed its owner by agitating so much it oversudsed-the owner came in-slipped on the suds and was electrocuted---Can't find the movie on DVD.Yes -in Suds lock-washer pumps want to pump liquid-not foam or suds-Noticed when my WP or KN machine gets locked-the puimp really makes a loud gurgling and sucking noise.Have to give a few spray rinses to clear it.The WP imperial I have can really whip up the suds.The KN machine with its early DA agitator doesn't whip up the suds.

Post# 48343 , Reply# 4   11/1/2004 at 17:46 (7,260 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        
Sci-Fi-horror movie-with suds lock

I just saw that movie, I think it was a dishwasher, not an automatic clothes washer.

Post# 48347 , Reply# 5   11/1/2004 at 18:13 (7,260 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        
Ghost In the Machine

Thats right think it was a dishwasher.It has been so long since I watched it-Do not have a copy of the movie on VHS or laserdisc.Haven't seen it on DVD.The time I saw it I rented it.

Post# 48369 , Reply# 6   11/1/2004 at 21:08 (7,260 days old) by pturo (Syracuse, New York)        
Suds Lock

I have an 1-18 and it really gets a pretty good ring of suds, even by today's detergent standards. I also have a Maytag that does not suds up nearly as much, even with the same amount of detergent. The Maytag cleans better. I think the American obsession with suds being the visual feedback of the washer working really well is really a built in 50's and 60's thing from our parents. (Although I think the 1-18 should be treated like a front loader to prevent suds lock) Whatever is floating on the top of the water of the washing machine is not the thing that is washing your clothes below.

Post# 48377 , Reply# 7   11/2/2004 at 09:37 (7,260 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
I never got much suds in my KM or Maytag, yet they always suds locked when washing towels. My 1-18 would get a good head on it during wash, but again it was the towels that caused the lock. I do believe suds locked is not caused by the amount of suds kicked up during agitation, rather it is caused by air getting sucked thru the load during spin and creating foam between the fabric fibers. All the loopy threads of towels create the perfect environment for creating the lock.

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