Thread Number: 425
Condenser washer dryer.
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Post# 48336   11/1/2004 at 15:32 (7,207 days old) by shawn (Waterford Ct)        

I have a friend that lives in an apartment house, they have a washer hook-up but no dryer vent and the landloard would rather not cut a hole in the kitchen wall for one. They have a chance to buy a small front loader washer dryer that dosen't need venting. They asked me how they work and how much do they cost to run. Also do they need service more than a regular washer? I really don't have any info on them or know much about them. If anyone has any info it would be a great help Thank's.

Post# 48587 , Reply# 1   11/4/2004 at 20:13 (7,204 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        

I think LG has a combo washer dryer on the US market.

They are much better than the Thor and Equator models IMHO.

They do take a long time to dry.

Post# 49903 , Reply# 2   11/26/2004 at 00:17 (7,182 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        
Re: Condensor Drying taking long time to Dry:

Check out my Posting on the following:

Thread# 378 adjusting water level in NEW F/L's

I've mentioned in it about my new "LG" Compact Combo's Cycle Completion Length.

Peace and best always, Steve

Post# 49943 , Reply# 3   11/26/2004 at 19:45 (7,182 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Condenser washer dryer

peteski50's profile picture
I have the LG 3677 combo the large unit. It is a great machine but LG service sux. I had a equator 3600 series for 5 1/2 years. I liked it. But smaller capacity was harder to deal with. The newer Equators are different. No matter what you go with their is always going to be some type of issue. The nice part about the large LG is you can wash 22lbs and their so many cycles and options. But the wash cycles are long. The drying is also slow and you can dry 1/2 to 2/3 of a full wash load. (so 11 to 14 lbs) still better than the Equator or smaller combo. I recommend the unit. For further questions? email me.

Post# 51919 , Reply# 4   12/28/2004 at 07:17 (7,150 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

is there a way you could vent out a window? I've seen kits that allow this, and often something can be improvised using a standard vent hood and a piece of sheet metal or wood.

Post# 57014 , Reply# 5   2/12/2005 at 04:56 (7,104 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Final resolution

So what ultimately happened with this situation?

Post# 57023 , Reply# 6   2/12/2005 at 10:29 (7,104 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
A stacked European set with a condenser dryer would also be a solution is there is enough space and 220V available.

Post# 57170 , Reply# 7   2/14/2005 at 03:36 (7,102 days old) by partycycle ()        
For warned. Is for armed!

My experience was expensive!! I was damn mad at myself for having wasted $1,400+ on combo washer/dryer. Not vented, 1.2 cubic feet drum capacity (approx .05 capacity less than half full for a load to be dried; one towel, wash cloth, t-shirt). Anyone posting on other websites “getting wet/erect” about capacity to excellently wash/dry queen size sheets + 4 pillow cases is not telling the truth. Why would they? They are not about to admit they too were suckered.

I do not wash laundry and/or dishes for the HELL-of-it. The 2003 TOL Equator brand combo (yeah, fully aware of performance of 120 volt non vented drying). For me. Just one. Operating time weekly? NEVER less than 15+ hours. NEVER ENDING DAILY chore. Talk about VIBRATION!!!???. Then, this is Equator brand. 2 months operating. No. Not overloaded. Used Equator brand detergent. Instructions written by an idiot. Timer/cycle control knob? Anyone’s guess as to where/what? Quickest cycle? FOUR HOURS. Wrinkles? You bet! Never a dry seam or pocket.

Anyway. Stopped mid cycle in less than 2 months. Great! Wet clothes, water everywhere. 5 months telephone calls, e-mails, appliance dealer doing the same (stopped carrying anything Equator brand). Now 6th month. Equator left a voice-mail. “Considering” replacing the combo. Too late! I paid $50. For a carting service to haul it away! Oh, yeah, just try to find knowledgeable repairman? Oh, and the parts? Shipped right away. 10...15...20 business days ground service from NY.

I might as well as been washing my laundry with a wringer washer. First week. I relished in glory returning to the laundry room. 4 loads wash, dried and folded in less than 90 minutes. Next week. Discovered laundry service (yellow pages) picks up and delivers. Whites? Bright as fresh driven snow. I threw that cash out the window. Yeah, maybe LG full size machines do better? But not 120 volt non vented, condensation dry, 1.2 cubic foot capacity machines. Oh, perhaps for “Barby’s” Malabo house.!!!!

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