Thread Number: 430
Apex POD (11/2/2004)
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Post# 48381   11/2/2004 at 11:24 (7,382 days old) by JerseyMike ()        

I knew that Apex made washers and dryers, but I had no idea that they also made dishwashers and vacuum cleaners. And check out that top loading portable dishwasher, it has a windowed lid! Every dishwasher should have one as far as I'm concerned.


Post# 48385 , Reply# 1   11/2/2004 at 13:06 (7,382 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Window Lid

unimatic1140's profile picture
"Every dishwasher should have one as far as I'm concerned. "

Me Too!

Post# 48395 , Reply# 2   11/2/2004 at 16:52 (7,382 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Contemporary appliances-

are not nearly as entertaining!

What we might have gained in ease of use, versatility, safety, and efficiency, we have surely lost in fun.

Love and laughter!


Post# 48400 , Reply# 3   11/2/2004 at 17:30 (7,382 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
windowed lid

gansky1's profile picture Robert's house they do all have windowed lids or doors!

Post# 48404 , Reply# 4   11/2/2004 at 17:59 (7,382 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Great POD; saved this one! Cool washers; I hope someone finds one eventually and saves it!

Robert, was this the Apex machine you had back in '96? Also, how rare are the Apex dryers?


Post# 48418 , Reply# 5   11/2/2004 at 20:07 (7,382 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
windowed lid

jetcone's profile picture
Not just his appliances, his bathrooms have windowed doors, I woke up one night and he and Neal were installing windows on my bedroom door, he put a window on my luggage for the scanners, and wanted to install a window on Aloysius to see inside! I put a stop to that!

Post# 48422 , Reply# 6   11/2/2004 at 20:35 (7,382 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
windowed lid

peteski50's profile picture
Hi Jon,
I just Love Aloysius - he is the best
I hope you are doing well - I would love to see you guys

Post# 48424 , Reply# 7   11/2/2004 at 20:38 (7,382 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
First things first--Jon, you're such a good daddy protecting Aloysius. I love the expression on his face in that picture.

Now for the Apex pic. I think the cabinet for the washer & dryer are one of the most dynamic and have such "futuristic" lines I've ever seen. Truely modern for sure.

Post# 48434 , Reply# 8   11/2/2004 at 23:04 (7,382 days old) by tlee618 ()        

Jon that is the first picture that I have seen of Al, I can see why you are taken with him. That picture is worth a thousand words. Terry

Post# 48435 , Reply# 9   11/2/2004 at 23:16 (7,382 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Awwhttp://www... Al is such a sweetie - looks much calmer tonight than Jack, bouncing off the walls as we speak. I think he's nervous about having four more wars, I mean years!

Back to the POD - notice the portable dishwasher had a water heater with increasing temps as the cycle progresses. I wonder if the user had to plug it in prior to turning it on or if the water heating was automatic? Plug it in set it and it heats the water then runs through the cycle...might have been dependent on 160F incoming water for that first fill too? So many questions - anyone have a users manual out there?

Post# 48440 , Reply# 10   11/3/2004 at 00:31 (7,381 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Oh, what a handsome guy!

What a very appealing Bull Terrier!! So nicely marked, too.

(and I am ordinarily a cat guy....)


Post# 48444 , Reply# 11   11/3/2004 at 02:56 (7,381 days old) by duetboy ()        
Spiral Tub Agitator

OK guys, I give! Was the Apex a Agitub? I'm confused!


aka Jeff

Post# 48451 , Reply# 12   11/3/2004 at 08:42 (7,381 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Austin, yes that was the exact washer I had, but lets not talk about my lost Apex its depressing enough, especially this morning. It was sort of an agi-tub, but it washed by bouncing the tub, not by moving back and forth. What looks like a agitator in the middle was simply a hump to help balance the load.

As for the dishwasher, my guess would be that it runs the heater through the cycle, but only stops to heat the final rinse water. But who knows, maybe it has a seperate water tank for heating and waits to start the wash until the tank is heated.

Post# 48452 , Reply# 13   11/3/2004 at 08:47 (7,381 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Bathrooms with window doors

unimatic1140's profile picture
I think I feel a slap coming on mister.

Post# 48463 , Reply# 14   11/3/2004 at 15:27 (7,381 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        
Slapping? I think not!

foraloysius's profile picture
You'd better watch it mister Unimatic. I'm very fond of that dog so don't you even think about laying a finger on it!!! You might end up getting a very hard European slap yourself!!! Put a window on your own dog!!!

Post# 48464 , Reply# 15   11/3/2004 at 15:30 (7,381 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Slaping Al? Never

unimatic1140's profile picture
Calm down Louis, that slapping isn't meant for Al. It's was meant for Al's owner, and he knows who he is. :)

Post# 48521 , Reply# 16   11/4/2004 at 11:10 (7,380 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Thank You All

jetcone's profile picture
Al is a real gift! Thank you Peter, you'll have to come up to Boston sometime and meet him in person!

Uncle Louis: Its so nice to see how protective you are towards your nephew! I knew Uni wasn't talking about slapping Al he loves AL too. Its my fabulous collection he's jealous of, poor dear!

Al is going to Vermont for the weekend! As the Beach Boys say "He gets around"!


Post# 48525 , Reply# 17   11/4/2004 at 11:31 (7,380 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I didn't think he was going to slap Al but you. But I was quite furious about his vicious plan to put a window on Aloysius!!! When I think of it again.... In the meantime I hope Al has a wonderful time in Vermont. Should be wonderful there this time of the year!



Post# 48528 , Reply# 18   11/4/2004 at 11:06 (7,380 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Its my fabulous collection he's jealous of, poor dear!

Yup Jon you've finally figured me out, I'm green with avacado ummmm I mean sea-foam Envy.


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