Thread Number: 439
having fun with my scanner
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Post# 48477   11/3/2004 at 20:12 (7,205 days old) by Partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

thought every one would enjoy this

Post# 48482 , Reply# 1   11/3/2004 at 20:49 (7,205 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        
How Funny!

Just love the ad!
You will see psyhedelic color's and your hair will turn yellow when you buy our "More than ever" Frigidaire refrigerators!
I get the "More than ever" part about the fridge.
I just don't get the subliminal message of the "more than ever" slogan with the two arrows in her hands, and that satisfied look / glaze in her eyes.
Well I guess I kinda do.
How Hippy!
Love it.
Thanks for the scan!

Post# 48484 , Reply# 2   11/3/2004 at 21:46 (7,205 days old) by JerseyMike ()        
My parents had one in Avocado ...

they got it in January 1972!

Post# 48486 , Reply# 3   11/3/2004 at 22:02 (7,205 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

She looks like one of the GOLD diggers off the Dean Martin show !!

Post# 48547 , Reply# 4   11/4/2004 at 14:55 (7,204 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Unusual that they would show one without an icemaker. And look at the size of those steaks!


Post# 48573 , Reply# 5   11/4/2004 at 18:44 (7,204 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        
Great add

Does the girl come with the fridge?

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