Thread Number: 44133
Maytag E2L w/ Filter Agitator on CL
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Post# 648698   12/23/2012 at 22:43 (4,232 days old) by shankstr (St. Louis, Missouri)        

I know many of you would like to get your hands on this agitator!!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO shankstr's LINK on Elmira Craigslist

Post# 648797 , Reply# 1   12/24/2012 at 11:30 (4,232 days old) by e2l-arry (LAKEWOOD COLORADO)        

I love how anyone selling one of these just assumes it's a 1940's something washer. Looks to me to be at least a 1966 or later model. I thought only the non-filter turquoise agitator was used from that point on? So they found a lint screen agitator to put in it. But for $300.00, I'd continue the search. If I were still searching. It also looks like it was just painted so hard to tell if there's the dreaded oil leak down the wringer post leg. We all know what that means!


Post# 648804 , Reply# 2   12/24/2012 at 12:30 (4,232 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
The Biggest Hose--Oh My!

mickeyd's profile picture
Love how he's taken care of the possibility of plumbing failure. His hose will reaach all the way to the neighbor's house. ;-D

Post# 648841 , Reply# 3   12/24/2012 at 16:56 (4,232 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        
Beautifully restored... Uh huh...

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
Wrong drain hose by a mile, decals are missing, the top needs polished and what's up with the inside of the tub? I love how sometimes some paint but nothing else suddenly commands a huge price tag.


Post# 648852 , Reply# 4   12/24/2012 at 18:13 (4,232 days old) by wetguymd (Maryland)        

wetguymd's profile picture
I have the same machine with the lint filter agitator and its from the 70s... and mine has the orginial drain hose and works great! I would also think that price is outrageous.

Post# 648855 , Reply# 5   12/24/2012 at 18:45 (4,232 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture
So...did Maytag simply sell the remaining on-hand stock of the black poly lint filter agitator until they were all gone? To my knowledge there was never a turquoise lint filter agitator for the wringers.

Post# 648857 , Reply# 6   12/24/2012 at 19:22 (4,232 days old) by e2l-arry (LAKEWOOD COLORADO)        
I think Mark is right,

Probably sold off the excess stock of black filter agitators. Otherwise it just makes sense they'd have produced them in turquoise to match the rest of the new "1966" look.. So I'd guess, for a couple of bucks you could upgrade while quantities lasted. I can just hear the salesmen "You look like a nice lady. Tell ya what I'm gonna do . . . "

Post# 648930 , Reply# 7   12/25/2012 at 02:03 (4,231 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Its Too Big

It seems as if the neck of the agitator is too long to be a wringer agitator. I wonder if he stuck in an automatic version. They barely catch and are very shaky as the go back and forth.

Post# 648965 , Reply# 8   12/25/2012 at 09:53 (4,231 days old) by e2l-arry (LAKEWOOD COLORADO)        
I thought

If you changed out the spline they would work. But who has the tooling to do that? Other then the Amish. My Mom's automatic Maytag had the same black agitator as my E2LP. I think it was Geoff that told me an agitator from an automatic wouldn't work in a wringer because they used different splines.

Yes MickeyD, that's quite the hose on that thing. Hmmmm, could it be a case of overcompensation? :)


Post# 648966 , Reply# 9   12/25/2012 at 10:21 (4,231 days old) by mixfinder ()        

The spline for automatics sets higher in the agitator so only an inch or so catches on the agitator drive.

Post# 648975 , Reply# 10   12/25/2012 at 11:12 (4,231 days old) by wringer (x)        

of these much wanted agitators. The Amish get them in on occasion and then just throw them away because they don't like them. I have my name in for any that may come in again. I was also told that the auto agitators will not fit on the wringer Maytag's. I have watched them change a lot of agitator splines and it does require special equipment. First they put it in a jig that holds the agitator firm and then insert an instrument into the spline and unscrew it. This process causes some of the old Bakelite ones to crack. Then, they take it over to another jig and use a manual press to insert the new spline. It is quick but I would have no idea how you would do it without the equipment. They don't use plastic splines because of the "tick tock" noise they make when the agitator reverses direction during operation. IF I ever find any of the filter ones I will post it here after I have mine. I won't hold my breath tho. Lets keep our fingers crossed LOL.


Post# 651417 , Reply# 11   1/6/2013 at 14:08 (4,219 days old) by electronicontrl (Grand Rapids, MI)        
Wetguy's pic

electronicontrl's profile picture

Loved your pic. My grandmother had a lint filter agitator in her Maytag wringer washer. (memories)!

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