Thread Number: 460
Wiring question for Malber Dryer
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Post# 48709   11/6/2004 at 10:21 (7,202 days old) by tecnopolis (Ocala/Dunnellon, Florida 34481)        

tecnopolis's profile picture
Hi guys~!
Here's one for you wiring experts out there.
I have this older Malber dryer that runs off of regular US-220V@60hz. I am having trouble figuring out how to hook-up my 4-wire power cord to the unlabled power block.
I was told to hook-up the black and red leads to the two power taps. Then hook-up the ground wire to the bulkhead tap and to tape off/not use the neutral wire. I Would love for someone to verify this is correct before I fry more than the dryer when I plug it in. Thanks for you help.


Post# 48730 , Reply# 1   11/6/2004 at 21:11 (7,201 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Excuse me?



Post# 48747 , Reply# 2   11/7/2004 at 03:29 (7,201 days old) by fixerman ()        

Since no one has taken a shot at answering your question, I will give it a shot. It appears the red and black would go on the black terminal block. The neutral or ground on the brass terminal. It probably wouldn't matter which one went there. I think the correct way would be to hook the red and black as described above and disconnect the neutral block from the frame and reatach with a buffer between like a rubber or plastic washer or the like. Hook the white (neutral)wire to that block. Then hook the ground(Green) wire to a screw on the cabinet. you may have to drill a new hole to acomplish this. I am not really confident of this but someone here correct me if I am off base here.

Post# 48750 , Reply# 3   11/7/2004 at 07:39 (7,201 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        
Malber USA

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You can call Malber and get an answer from them. I have brought the Malber WD800 off ebay to use in my father's place and the door boot/gasket needed to be replaced because, the prior owners patched it with a piece of rubber for an bicycle tire.

The washer is OK for light duty of washing towels and undies, but it's lacks power for heavy stain removal in uniforms and large items. I would like to find the dryer on ebay to save a few bucks......

Good luck fixing that baby!

Malber USA Inc
61 Commercial Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
(516) 294-6660

Post# 48779 , Reply# 4   11/7/2004 at 18:02 (7,201 days old) by tecnopolis (Ocala/Dunnellon, Florida 34481)        

tecnopolis's profile picture
OK, sounds like I need to try this and find out for sure. Thanks for your help.
BTW-Here's a picture of the Malber TD600 dryer. The new Whirlpool 24" dryer is very similar to the Malber..


Post# 48847 , Reply# 5   11/8/2004 at 17:37 (7,200 days old) by tecnopolis (Ocala/Dunnellon, Florida 34481)        

tecnopolis's profile picture
It has taken 8 years to get to this moment for this peticular
Malber dryer.
I bought this dryer on ebay from a marine wholesaler who had it stored in his warehouse since 1996. There it sat NEW/shrink wrapped on pallet until I bought if from him 2 years ago, Since then it sat in my home unused until today.
This dryer is awesome! The reverse-tumble action really cuts down on the wrinkles and I love the porthole design.
Thanks for all your help!

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