Thread Number: 46165
KENMORE Dryer help
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Post# 674476   4/21/2013 at 16:11 (4,114 days old) by kenmore70 (New York)        

This is my first time tuning up a clothes dryer. It's a Kenmore Model 110.7108801 that I recently received. I want to replace the lint chute seals, since they are dried up. How does the lint chute come out?, pulling it from the top, or pulling from the bottom?. Does the drum light need to be removed first? I tried pulling it down but the upper back panel is in the way, and it's fixed and isn't removable. Also, one of the wires leading to the heating element looks like it's a little melted and the spade is black. I'm going to replace that wire, but just wondering why that may have happened. I've attached pics. Thanks !!

Post# 674477 , Reply# 1   4/21/2013 at 16:12 (4,114 days old) by kenmore70 (New York)        

pic 2

Post# 674478 , Reply# 2   4/21/2013 at 16:13 (4,114 days old) by kenmore70 (New York)        

pic 3

Post# 674482 , Reply# 3   4/21/2013 at 16:14 (4,114 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

I believe it comes out from the top. Definitely change that wire connector!

Post# 676522 , Reply# 4   4/30/2013 at 20:18 (4,105 days old) by kenmore70 (New York)        
What's this part for?

There is a part mounted on the top of the bulkhead of my Kenmore dryer I am tuning up. I am not sure what it does, since I can't see it on the parts diagram I have. It has a part number of 60138, which may be old, since I googled it and nothing came up. Anyone know what this part does? I'm guessing it may be some type of high limit thermostat??


Post# 676525 , Reply# 5   4/30/2013 at 20:24 (4,105 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

That is an old style power resistor that was used with the "Fabric Master" automatic dry cycles.It was used in the heater circuit to half the voltage to the timer motor when the heat cycled off.

Post# 676526 , Reply# 6   4/30/2013 at 20:30 (4,105 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture describes it as a resistor.  NLA.  Possibly related to soft-heat or moisture sensing circuit?

Post# 676594 , Reply# 7   5/1/2013 at 01:00 (4,104 days old) by Chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
The resistor makes me wonder though, I only say that because of the yellow w/ red stripe wire running behind the lint chute. Models that I know of have that wire leading from the moisture sensors up to an electronic control for the timer motor. The resistor is only found on models (that I have serviced) that use the thermostats as a dryness sensor.

With the sensor wire present the exact purpose of that resistor is unknown to me, it could be for regulating the heat if it is in series with a thermostat bias heater.

Follow the yellow red wire along with the reds from the thermostat and you should have an answer if no tech sheet is present.

The good news is that once you know the resistance and wattage of the resistor any one should do. Radio shack carries a bunch of different ones as well a repair clinic.

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