Thread Number: 463
Maytag A108 parts question
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Post# 48729   11/6/2004 at 21:06 (7,331 days old) by Girlgroupgirl ()        

Hello all:
I LOVE my vintage Maytag set. I've had it for 6 years now with only a repair to the dryer coil. Luckily we found on-line schematics to repair, but I've lost that link now.
Well, it's time to fix the washer. It's been leaking, maybe from a hose and I didn't notice it until now. The clamps to the hose from the drum run into a small white "thing" on the right side of the interior floor of the machine.
What is this small white "thing", a filter of some sort?
Just wondering because we are not sure if it could be stopped up and causing the leak (can't figure out if it opens) or if we just need to replace hose and clamps (which we are going to do anyway now that the machine is open.
Would like to keep this set in tip top running shape as long as possible. Trying to learn to fix all of our old appliances ourselves.


Post# 48731 , Reply# 1   11/6/2004 at 21:17 (7,331 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
small white thing

the small white thing is the pump maytag part #202203

Post# 48733 , Reply# 2   11/6/2004 at 21:42 (7,331 days old) by pturo (Syracuse, New York)        
Leaky Maytag

Congratulations! You have probably the easiest self repair washer around in an older Maytag. Mostly the hoses and clamps for the hoses lose their grip and water pressure forces it's way out. Replace all the clamps, the poly pumps (the white thing) almost never go bad. The other typical place a maytag will leak is under the lid assembly with the water diffuser that sprays water into the tub. You will have to take the lid assembly off by loosinign the cabinet screws underneath in the front. This serpentine hose assembly has smaller clamps and when they rust, lose thier grip and water pressure will find a way out. Sometimes the aerator itself which is located inside a tube, needs to be replaced. Maytag make this "dependable care" chassis design for decades, and the parts are readily available and almost interchangable for decades. Good luck. It is the best designed washer mechanically, and worth fixing and enjoying.

Post# 48768 , Reply# 3   11/7/2004 at 13:54 (7,330 days old) by Girlgroupgirl ()        

Besides the fact that the older appliances "go with" everything in our house (we have the house of 'old stuff'), we figured out that with simple instructions (like the above) that even I can fix this stuff, she who is very non-mechanical.
THANK YOU. I'm going to print out the above directions and post them in the laundry room. Won't have to worry about what's wrong next time anything goes awry.
There is a place here that carries all kinds of parts for older appliances, so we always know where we can get the belts etc. when needed.

Thanks again!

Post# 48769 , Reply# 4   11/7/2004 at 14:45 (7,330 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
More than likely,it's just a bad hose,and clamps.I've only seen one or two Maytag pumps leak,in about 20 years of working with them.Good Luck!


Post# 49156 , Reply# 5   11/14/2004 at 11:15 (7,324 days old) by Randy (Portland)        
Maytag A108 possible Timer problem?

We've had our Maytag washer for many years (~20 I think). Aside from a leak or two (no big deal), we just ran into a bigger problem. Is it safe to assume the "timer" went bad, when:

1. Set washer dial to a desired setting.
2. Water reaches its required level, then machine stops working (instead of going into its next mode - wash).
3. Dial continues to move (like it's going through a normal cycle), yet the machine does nothing.



Post# 49163 , Reply# 6   11/14/2004 at 14:47 (7,323 days old) by fixerman ()        

What do you mean by "nothing"? If there is complete silence except for the timer, the first thing to check is the lid switch. First try the lid switch manually. If you don't hear a slight click, it is likely the lid switch. To further confirm this, Unplug the machine and remove the control top. Find the wires that go to the lid switch and connect them together temporarily. and tape them together so they don't accidentally short to ground. Plug the machine in and try it. If it works you found your problem. If not, the problem is elsewhere and will have to be further diagnosed. Let us know what you find.

Post# 49167 , Reply# 7   11/14/2004 at 15:32 (7,323 days old) by Randy (Portland)        

Thank you for the reply. The switch (on the lid) appears to be working. You can hear a click when you lift the lid. When you turn the dial to a position other than off then pull the dial out (to engage it), you'll hear some noise in the dial. Lifting the lid stops this noise, so I think the lid switch works. Right now, the machine is filled with water, and no matter what the dial is set to, it refuses to go through the rest of its cycles (draining of the water, rinse, dry). The only function that does seem to work, is the filling of the machine (with water). Other than that, the other cycles don't work. If the switch is fine, then isn't it the timers job to tell the machine what to do next (basically the brains of the machine)? Having this machine for a good 20years+, and having turned the dial numerous times over that period, it's almost safe to say it's the timer. Darn things expensive too (~$126 online). Beats paying ~$400 for a new machine though, but if it comes down to it...


Post# 49181 , Reply# 8   11/14/2004 at 20:35 (7,323 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
Don't waste money on a timer if your not sure!!!

I have sold too many timers to people who guess this is the problem. The next day they are all P.O.ed at me because I won't take back an electrical part (not to be a bunshole about it, but who wants a previously installed electrical part?) I even had one guy THROW the part at me because I wouldn't refund the $100 or so buck he blew on the timer he thought would fix his washer. There is no mystery about this. A few quiet minutes with the wiring diagram and a multi-meter will take you from "I guess" to "I know". If you don't understand electricity, find a friend to help you. I had one lady buy darn near every stinking part for a maytag dryer one time 'cause they just kept guessing. Could have found the problem in a few minutes with a meter.

Post# 49183 , Reply# 9   11/14/2004 at 21:16 (7,323 days old) by fixerman ()        

I agree with partscounterman. In my experience when this problem occurs it is either the Timer or the motor. You should determine this before throwing parts at it.

Post# 49190 , Reply# 10   11/15/2004 at 03:57 (7,323 days old) by Randy (Portland)        

Thanks again for your replies. It's sad some people react that way, but I for one, am the complete opposite. If it didn't work, then so be it. I'm handy with a meter, but not an expert. Luckily the schematic is still in tact on the back. You can hear clicking noises in the timer like it wants to advance or do something else, but that's it (other than filling the machine with water). The only reason I'm assuming the timer was from this site.
It seems to explain the exact problems I'm having:
"The timer is located behind the cycle control knob and contains the programs or function sequences for all the major wash cycles. The program is contained inside the timer in a cam with switch followers riding on it. The switch leafs are brought out to the outside of the timer by terminal lugs. As the timer motor turns the cam, the switches open and close to stop and start the agitate, drain, spin and fill functions."

It's almost like a catch-22. If it's the timer, then it only costs me ~$100. If a repairman determines it's the timer, then I'm at at the mercy of what he paid for the part plus his labor, making it twice as much (if not more). If it's a $2 part, then he'd still charge $$$ to fix it (labor). Might as well go out and buy a new machine. I don't mind the trial and error route. I'm sure one of the parts replaced will make the machine work.

Post# 49221 , Reply# 11   11/15/2004 at 15:20 (7,322 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
I've probably got a used timer for an A108.Yours for whatever shipping cost's,if you want to try it.Let me know.

I would check for broken wires first,especially around the motor area. If you hear the timer clicking,etc,then the lid switch is probably good,since the lid switch handles one side of the power going into the machine.You can also drain that washer,by laying the drain hose on the floor,by a floor drain hopefully!


Post# 49560 , Reply# 12   11/20/2004 at 03:53 (7,318 days old) by Randy (Portland)        
New timer worked, now to solve leak

Replaced the timer, and the machine works once again. Now to wrestle with a stupid leak. Top left corner of washer (naturally inside). Seems to be a white coupler where 2 hoses plug into. Water is shooting out via this white piece, down the wall, and out the bottom. There's a black tube inside this white coupler (feeds through one end), and that's in fine shape (no cracks). Inside that tube is a brown plastic piece, in which I think limits the incoming water, so it's not gushing in when filling the machine. Seems to be in fine shape too. Repositioned/retightened the clamps, leak stops. Put things back together, leak starts again. Will play with it again this weekend. Trying to find a manual for this beast.


Post# 49561 , Reply# 13   11/20/2004 at 05:37 (7,318 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
That's an "air break",for lack of a better term. They can be bought at parts stores,or people have been known to eliminate them,with a piece of tubing between the hoses.


Post# 49587 , Reply# 14   11/20/2004 at 15:15 (7,317 days old) by petebldg9 ()        
Maytag A208 Repair

Hello -

I finally plugged in and tested my Maytag that I bought from Salvation Army. I have cold water in my garage, which I figured is enough to test the major components.

Everything seemed to work fine, including the timer, lid switch, and two-speed agitation. The machine filled, then launched into agitation very smoothly. The spin is OK too. However, while agitating, it sounds like a lawn mower!! I understand that this could be a transmission problem, which makes me nervous because I've heard that this component is the only one for which no parts are available. There was also a slight burning smell after running the machine for a few minutes.

Does anyone have thoughts on what might specifically be causing the noise/smell? I'd really love to save and restore this machine, especially because the other components seem to need only fine-tuning, plus cosmetic attention.



Post# 49590 , Reply# 15   11/20/2004 at 15:56 (7,317 days old) by fixerman ()        

Check the belts for a flat spot or wear. The belts are designed to slip and if the fabric cover wears off, the belt will not slip and cause extra drag. Also check the motor glide assembly. To do this remove the front. Push on the motor. It should spring back freely. if it doesn't grease the glides with silicone grease or replace them if that doesn't free it up.

Post# 49612 , Reply# 16   11/21/2004 at 05:53 (7,317 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Sounds like you need the belt set,as stated above. 2-11124125 used to be the Maytag number.


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