Thread Number: 46301
Anyone want a nice Dacor Dishwasher?
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Post# 676130   4/28/2013 at 19:00 (4,236 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        

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I found this on craigslist for $50 and once I got it home I decided I didn't want to bother with it anymore. It's really too new for my taste. It's a nice machine and the owner sold it because it has a leak in the left front corner. It's an odd kind of leak that is really intermittent. It does not appear to be the door gasket but I guess it could be. It starts and stops and I don't know if it is supposed to do that or not. I have taken the front off to see if maybe it was leaking in the door and running down but that's not the case either. Inside the door was perfectly dry. I have also looked underneath while it is running and leaking and the bottom is dry. It has not leaked on the rinse cycle. Perhaps the rinse uses less water and the issue has to do with filling with too much water. I really don't know. It's free to a good home and I will make it available to a shipper if someone wants it who has to have it shipped.

I just don't want to fool with it. See pictures 15-19 in my photo album and here is a video of the leak. It doesn't leak all the time which is also why it's annoying to diagnose. It is very quiet and seems to do a good job cleaning.


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