Thread Number: 46337
Frigidaire Dryer.......
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Post# 676469   4/30/2013 at 15:45 (4,237 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I have this dryer if you guys remember I got with a 1-18 washer.....anywho.....

I want to give the whole thing away or even part it out......I have no interest in is a gas model....and thanks to PhilR, its dated as a 1968....

model DCDAGN ......... SERIAL 74SA3028

for the most part in good shape, it ignites and fires up, just very slow to dry...

maybe someone needs just a timer, motor, door with lint screen......just pay shipping, and its all yours....otherwise, it will probably go to scrap eventually

if you need more detail pics let me know.....

Post# 676558 , Reply# 1   4/30/2013 at 21:09 (4,237 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
1968 Frigidaire Gas Dryer

combo52's profile picture

It probably just needs a rear drum seal, these were a little like MT HOH Gas Dryers when their front drum seals got worn and loose, they became very slow dryers, the good news was that by the late 1960s Frigidaire was building the most reliable dryers they ever built.


Martin I would be interested except that I parted out two FD gas dryers like this one in the past six months, so hopefully someone else needs some parts.

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